Chapter Sixty-Nine

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"Are you fucking kidding me," I groaned as I started to drive us each to our house.

"I found a phone," Michael said.

"I'll try to get back my stuff using that," I sighed as I pulled into Michaels driveway.

"Good luck," Michael chuckled as he opened his door to get out.

"Tomorrows my day, okay? You better be ready when we come or I will drag you out," Luke said.

"Sure, whatever," Michael said as he walked towards his door.

I then dropped Luke off and I drove to my house.

"Where were you?" Mali-Koa asked.

"Beach," I said and ran up the stairs to my room. I sat on my bed and opened the bag. I saw the iPhone and I picked it up. I turned it on and I saw there were many text messages and missed calls.


Marissa where the hell are you?!




Are you mad


Are you okay?


Goddammit answer!




I swear to god when I see you.....


Please answer I need someone to talk to

There were twenty missed calls from that Ana girl. Sighing and hoping she could somehow help me get my stuff, I called her.

"Marissa! Why haven't you answered!? I need to talk to you," she sniffed.

"I- um I'm not Marissa-"

"Who are you?! Oh my god did you kidnap her?! What did you to her?!" she yelled.

"No, no, I would never do that! I uh, I think we had the same book bags whoever this Marissa girl is and we took the wrong ones. It happened at the waterpa-"

"Oh, I'm sorry about crying. I uh... that's embarrassing," she sighed.

"No, don't worry. Is there any way I can get my bag back?"

"I know where she lives."

"I just want my bag back," I sighed.

"I'll call her."

"This is her phone," I snapped.

"Oh yeah," she muttered.

"Look, maybe you can-"

"Look, I'll drive you tomorrow to her house if you'd like. I don't know what else to do."

"Sure whatever."

"Tell me your address. I can go to your house at four in the afternoon."

"Why that late? I have to go somewhere."

"Eight in the morning?"

"Sure." I then gave her my address and we hanged up. Luckily I had my phone with Michaels in Lukes bag since it had a lock for 'safety' as Liz would say.


I was in bed just staring at the ceiling. I couldn't get my mind off Ashton.

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