Chapter Sixty-Five

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"Did you both help make this happen?" I asked Liz and Calum.

"Yeah, I cooked the food," Liz smiled.

"And I was the chauffeur and the waiter," Calum smiled taking his tie off.

"I will leave you guys alone, excuse me," Liz said and we nodded before she walked away.

"Look, I want to apologize for everything and I hope we can start with a clean slate," Calum said.

"I uh...."

"I realized that I shouldn't be against you for no reason and I want us to be friends, I really do," Calum added and Luke let go of my hand and walked next to Calum. He wrapped his arm around his shoulder and said,"Calum is serious. We had a conversation, actually, and he's willing to change. Will you give him a chance?"

"Please?" Calum begged.

"I guess I can," I sighed. Luke smiled.

"I knew you'd come around," Luke said hugging me.


I opened the door to Cats hospital room and I saw Kellin and two guys in there. One of them was caressing her arm while leaning on her bed.

They looked up and looked at me.

"What do you want?" Kellin spat.

"I just want to see her."

"Why? You don't even-"

"I do know her! I have the right to be here."

"Get away. She dislikes you and your little friends," the one caressing her arm said.

"Ive known her for weeks," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah? Well we've known her for years. Fuck off. If you lay a finger on her I will make sure-"

"I'm not going to hurt her!"

"She's in coma! You aren't close to her and we want you to leave. We all know what you're capable of doing."

"You don't even know our story."

"Your story? Please, what is your story? You don't have one."

"We're I'm the hospital, so stop. We can't get kicked out," Kellin sighed.

"Johnny, be careful you almost moved the bed," one said to the one closest to Cat.

"Okay," he said and he played with Cats fingers. It made me mad. That should be me.

I just stood there like an idiot and they ignored my presence.

"Curtis, can I use your charger? My phones gonna die," Kellin said to the other.

"Yeah," he said tossing him the charger. Kellin grabbed his earbuds and he started to listen to music.

"Maybe it seems so strange, but we don't even stress at all, 'Cause we've got poisons in our well...

Come at me with everything you've got.

Burst into flames,

Scream in the dark

I'm gonna light up this place

And die in beautiful stars

Tonight," Kellin quietly sang and I have to admit he can sing.

"Kellin, shut up. If you want to sing, wait till you shower," Curtis groaned.

"I already showered," Kellin rolled his eyes.

"Then take another one," Curtis said.

"Shut up, will ya? Oh can you do me a favor?"


"Curtis, Leslie, she has a crush on you."

"Wait, your fourteen year old sister has a crush on me?" he laughed.

"Yeah, weird right?" I was just listening. Call me a stalker or whatever you'd like but I was interested.

"So remember when the incident with Stephanie happened?" Stephanie? Is it the one I'm thinking about? Oh yeah, Kellin is her cousin.


"Well she's pissed at me so I need you to do something with her."

"Eww I'm not fucking her, no offense. It's illegal, I'm eighteen."

"Dude, he's not talking about that type of stuff," Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Well what?"

"I need you to do something, I don't know what. Have a conversation with her? Im not sure but anything and I will tell her I made if happen and she will be cool with me. Damn, girls hold grudges too much."

"You don't need to do that. What she did was wrong, like why the fuck does she think its right? I don't know. But what you need to do is something else."


"I'll explain later."

I was so confused. Rolling my eyes, I got my phone out and looked through twitter.


"What are you doing here?" Ashton spat.

"Can we come in?" I asked. Ashton looked at Calum before sighing,"Yes come in."

We walked into his apartment and I could tell Calum was in an awkward situation.

"So? Care to explain?" Ashton asked.

"I um, I am friends with Jade. I wanted to see of we could be cool with each other? I know we haven't had a great past but I will change," Calum said.


"Yeah..." Calum said fidgeting with his broken finger.

"I guess if Jade said yes, I can't say no."


"How about let's play some video games?" Ashton grinned and Calum and Luke yelled,"Yes!"

I said,"I'll just watch."

Calum was taking a break and he was texting somebody.

"Dammit," he muttered and his fingers flied across the keyboard on the small screen.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah."

"Who is it?" Luke asked as he kicked the soccer ball to a teammate.

"Michael," he sighed.

"Woah, woah, woah. Michael?" Ashton asked pausing the game.

"Yeah, we're all still friends."


"Yeah, he didn't agree with being with you and Jade but he didn't care if I became friends with you guys. He wants nothing to do with you two."

"Good, we don't need him anyways," Ashton huffed as he took the ball away from Luke and made a goal.

"In your face, Lucas!" Luke rolled his eyes.

"Go ahead, slap me with your dick," Luke teased and Ashton laughed.

"Sure, I don't mind doing that, actually."


(A/N) Sorry I have updated. I will try to update again today :)

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ily :) xx

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