Chapter Twenty

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Luke's POV


"I sat down and picked up my pen and thought for a minute. Remembering. Remembering a handsome, dark boy with a reckless grin and a hot temper. A tough, tow-headed boy with a cigarette in his mouth and a bitter grin on his hard face. Remembering--- and this time it didn't hurt--- a quiet, defeated-looking sixteen-year-old whose hair needed cutting badly and who had black eyes with a frightened expression to them. One week had taken all three of them. And I decided I could tell people, begin­ning with my English teacher. I wondered for a long time how to start that theme, how to start writing about something that was important to me and I finally began like this: When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home..."

I had finished The Outsiders and I kept re-reading the end over and over letting the tears flow down. I was amazed by the amazing book. I cried more the more times I read it. Call me unmanly all you want, I don't care. I was glad I read this book. The thought of the book just made me want to cry. Is it normal?

"Luke, what book is that? It must be good if this is book really got your attention," my mum said.

"The outsiders," I said wiping my tears away.

"I've loved that book. It's just amazing, it was really popular and still is. The message is just beautiful."

"Mum, can you leave me alone?" I said.

"Sure," she said and I walked to my room with the book. I just laid in bed thinking about it.

"Socs were just guys after all. Things were rough all over, but it was better that way. That way you could tell the other guy was human too." I kept reading that line. That's true. We are all humans, and everyone has something rough going on in their lives. Maybe you just don't see it. Some people never open up. Or they wont admit it. Humans are supposed to feel that way. No ones life is perfect.

Bob wanted to have limits in his life but his parents spoiled him too much to care if he got drunk and shit. He wanted to be normal. But so did Johnny and the other greasers. They didn't choose to be greasers. Darry could have gone to college but he wanted to take care of Soda and Ponyboy and he didn't have the money. Darry wished he was in college. They all wanted to be accepted as normal people. Like when Johnny and Pony were in the lot, they were talking and Johnny said he wished his life would end. He said he wasn't welcome at his own house and he just wanted to be somewhere where there wouldn't be any "Socs" or "greasers". Only ordinary people. But later on when he was in the hospital he said he wanted to keep living. He said he was too young and he could do other things. Sadly, he died. He risked his own life to save Ponyboy and other children from a fire. Dally couldn't take it and just killed himself. He loved Johnny and he just couldn't take it. He had loved him so much. Johnny was the only thing Dally loved and Johnny was gone.

I put the book beside me and took deep breaths. This book isn't just a book. It's much more.

I calmed myself and then called Jade.

"Hey, I'm done with the book," I said.

"Great! We can start on the report soon. Did you like it?"

"Yes. I guess it's the best book I've ever read." I was hoping it didn't sound like I had been crying.

"Well, I have to go, sorry. I will see you later. I think Ashton will call you to see what time he have to pick you up."

"Okay, bye," I said and ended the call.

I was getting ready for the party when I got a text.

'Are you going to the party? -Michael'

'Why do you want to know? It's none of your business. We aren't even friends anymore.'

'So? I just wanted to know. Its not my fault you turned out being a pussy.'

'Stfu. I didn't ask for your opinion. At least I don't hit women.'

'I will hit you all I want.'

I was fuming. He will get it later when I see him. He should t be calling me a woman.

'I swear to god when I see you it wont go well.'

'Goddamn i was just wondering! You don't have to get bitchy. Goodbye, Lucas.'

I didn't respond. I let out a sigh and continued to do my hair which takes quite a while.


(A/N) Sorry for the short chapter!

I wrote my opinions on The Outsiders for Luke. I really like that book. It's one of my favorite books of all time! It actually made me cry. Writing what I wrote about it made me cry as well. The thought of it makes me cry. I just love it.

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ily :) xx

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