Chapter Thirty-Four

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Jades' POV


"Oh my god look at that mother fucking costume," Kellin laughed as he pointed to some guy that was wearing a cardboard box and he had doodled some things on it to make it look like a robot.

"Dude, once you dressed up as Santa for Halloween," Johnny chuckled.

"Shut up! I was Eight!" Kellin groaned and I laughed. Why would someone dress up as Santa for Halloween?

"Oh and remember-" Cat was cut off by Kellin.

"Get out of my face, bitch!" Cat smacked his arm.

"Kellin, why don't you go dance. You need to let your stress out," Curtis said putting his hand on Kellins' shoulder. Kellin pushed his hand away.

"I'm not stressed, you twat."

"Then go cool down."

"Yeah! I should definitely cool down. Mind if I take my pants off? Its getting hot and my dick and balls are sweaty and-"

"Shut up! We don't need to know that!" I said smacking him on the head. He just laughed.

"You were playing, right?" I asked.

"Nope, he would take his pants off," Johnny shook his head.

"Oh my god, Kellin." Kellin laughed harder.

"What? Everyone gets naked. Whats so bad about feeling free and finally letting your balls get some air?"

"Kellin, but not here. I don't care if you get naked but not here. The size of your dick will embarrass you!" Curtis laughed.

"Bitch," Kellin muttered.

"Can we dance? I need some time away from these freaks," he whispered.

"Sure," I said and he grabbed my arm and led me to the dance floor.

A drop in the ocean was playing and we were dancing slowly. Kellin started to sing softly and his voice was amazing. I didn't say anything so that I could hear him. Once the song was over, I said,"Your voice is amazing."

"Thanks," he smiled. "Want to go back?" he added. I nodded and we walked back and Cat, Johnny and Curtis weren't there anymore.

"So, I guess it's just us," Kellin said.


"Lets take a picture together," Kellin said taking his phone out and we took a few selfies. Some were silly, other serious, and some were normal with both us just smiling.

Lukes' POV


"Does my hair look good?"

"Yes, it's fine, Stephanie."

"I feel like it isn't," she pouted.

"I feel like I have so many split ends!" She whined. I rolled my eyes. She quickly got her phone out and googled pictures of split ends. She chose a picture and put it next to her hair and she compared them. She sighed in relief knowing that it wasn't split ends.

"Eww get that picture away from me!" she yelled and got out of google. Of course. She was disgusted by the split ends. I rolled my eyes.

"You decided to look it up!"

"Luke! Im sorry! I had to check!"

"Can you kiss me after we win?" she asked.


"We have to act like a couple, duh. We always kiss when we win."

"Sure whatever. Just leave."

"I'm going with my friends, okay? Bye, Lukey!" she said and walked away. Her heels clicked. Why is she wearing damn high-heels?

"The couples contest will be starting! If you signed up, come stand on the stage with your partner!" Mr.Briggs announced.

I walked around the gym looking for Steph and I found her standing by herself. I walked towards her.

Jades' POV


"I'm going to the restroom, okay? I'll be back shortly," Kellin said. I nodded and I watched him disappear into the crowds of people.

"The couples contest will be starting! If you signed up, come stand on the stage with your partner!" Mr.Briggs announced.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Luke walking towards me. What?

"C'mon Steph! We need to get on the stage," he said grabbing my wrist right away. He dragged me to the stage and I was going to tell him I'm not Stephanie but when I opened my mouth, nothing came out.

He didn't even notice it was me.




Kellin his hilarious, okay? If you disagree I will stab you. Just kidding.

What do you think will happen?

Sorry for the short chapter **sigh**

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ily :) xx

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