Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Jades' POV


"I think you should move in. I won't be lonely," Ashton said as he drove me to school.

"I would love to but, my dad isn't home very often and I wouldn't like to leave my mum alone."

"Okay. But you better stay over every once in a while."

"I will," I smiled.

Ashton pulled up in front of the school and my stomach churned. What if Luke does bully me? What if my dream comes to life?

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. Call me or send me a text if you need something." I knew he meant help instead of something.

"Okay. Bye, Ashton." Ashton said bye and I walked towards the school. I was about to walk inside but everyone's head turned to face something. I turned around and saw Luke, Michael and Calum.

'This is what you wanted,' I reminded myself.

I froze.

Were they going to hurt me?

Was I going to get beat in the janitors closet?

What will Luke say or do?

They were getting closer and my heart was racing.

I was surprised and relieved when they walked passed me without even looking at me. Luke looked at me for a second but looked away shortly after.


What was that about?

I understand Luke did what I wanted him to do but they didn't even acknowledge me. I know I should be excited and I am, but I'm confused.

I went to homeroom and then to English.

Luke came in late to class and when Mrs.Rose asked him why he was late, he ignored and Mrs.Rose let out a heavy sigh.

So he didn't change.

He sat down in his normal seat which was beside mine and I was about to say hi but, I pushed him away. I can't do that, I have to. Anyways, I don't want to talk to him. I can't be in the friendzone with Luke Hemmings. I will just get hurt.

I'm better off without him.

Maybe one day I will talk to him, just not yet. Once I'm over him.

Maybe I never will.

I was looking at Luke as he turned around to face me. He said,"Can I borrow a pencil?"

For some reason, I was upset. I gave him a pencil and he took it without saying anything.

He then got up and walked towards Mrs.Rose.

"I'm done with the report," he said.

"Wow, I'm impressed. They are due on Friday. Are you sure you want to turn it in already?"

"Yes," he rolled his eyes. Mrs.Rose took the report and looked at it. Luke just walked away.

He sat down and got a book out. The Outsiders. Wasn't he already done with that?

He opened it and put his phone there. He started texting. Of course.

The bell rung and I was disappointed that he didn't say anything else to me. He gave me back my pencil, though. But he didn't say anything.

I went to history and Calum didn't say anything to me. I was surprised. What is going on? Are they pulling a prank or something?

I spent my lunch time in the library.

"Do you mind taking these to the office and putting these in all of the teachers mailboxes?" The librarian, Mrs.Evans asked me.

"Um, yeah, of course," I said and grabbed the papers. I looked at them.



We are happy to announce that the school fall dance is coming up soon. Friday, October 24, 2014 is the date of the dance! Everyone that is a student here is welcome to attend (unless Mr.Briggs doesn't let you for specific reasons) and remember to wear a costume!

You NEED to wear a costume!

To purchase a ticket to the dance, give Mrs.Evans $2 and she will hand you the ticket then and there.

The sign up sheet for costume contests is also in the library! The contest are:

•Best Couple Costume

•Scariest Male Costume

•Scariest Female Costume

•Cutest Costume

•Most Creative Costume


If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mrs.Evans, Mr.Briggs, or the school secretaries!

Should I go to the dance?

But I won't have a date.

Lukes' POV


I was doing okay at ignoring Jades' presence. It's kinda hard but I think I will get used to it.

I got a flyer for the fall school dance.

I'm not sure if I will go but, if Michael and Calum go, I will too.

I was walking out of the school but Stephanie came up to me.

"Hey, I want to ask you something."


"Do you want to go to the dance with me and participate in the couples contest?"

"I don't know. We aren't even dating."

"We don't have to, at least yet. But please? This means so much to me!"

"Okay," I sighed. She smiled and gave me a hug.

"Thank you!" I pulled away and walked away.

I hope this distracts me from Jade.


(A/N) Hi :]

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ily :) xx

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