Chapter Fifty-Two

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"What? No! That's not me! Do you think of me like that?"

"Well what does this pic mean?!"

"It's not me! What if it was?! It isn't your concern on what I do with my life! We were never dating, Luke!" His face fell.

"But you said you had feelings for me!"

"So?! You said the same thing to me and you're dating Stephanie!"

"What if it is me?!" I added. It isn't me but its not his concern on what I do. Im not like that, and he should know that. He should know me by now.

Luke got quiet and took a step back away from me. He shook his head.

"I can't believe you," he sighed and walked away.


So I guess it's her.

I had to get my shit together and get ready for what was about to happen.

I walked to Michaels locker and waited for him and Calum.

Calum jogged over to me and said,"Ready?" I nodded.

"Ladies and gentleman, shut up and get ready to watch this amazing thing that's about to happen!" Michael yelled and everyone in the cafeteria got quiet.

"As you know, Luke and Stephanie are dating. I think all of you would like to witness whats about to happen," Calum said. Stephanie jumped out of her seat and started jumping and clapping.

"Enjoy," I smiled.

"One, two, one two three four," Calum whispered and Michael sang,"My friends got a girlfriend," Stephanie smiled and he stood on a table and continued,"Man he hates that bitch!" Some people laughed, others gasped, and Stephanie's smile faded and she was angry.

Calum jumped on a table and sang,"He tells me everyday, he says."

I chimed in and said,"Man, I really gotta lose my chick in the worst kind of way!" As I jumped on a table.

We stopped for a few seconds, smirked at each other, and we all took out the water guns we had in our pants and aimed at Stephanie.

"Lukey, why- I- please don't!" Stephanie whined.

"So long, bitchsquealer," I laughed and we all shot her and she screamed.

The thing is, the gun wasn't full of water. Mine was full of spoiled milk, Calum's was full of vegetable oil, and Michael's was full of tomato juice.

People were laughing, and recording the scene with their phones. Others, were shocked, and worried for Stephanie.

"What is going on in here?!" Mr.Briggs yelled as he walked in. Everyone got silent and we turned away from Stephanie and faced Mr.Briggs.

"Tell him!" Stephanie yelled wiping her face with a napkin.

"Well, we sang a song, and shot Stephanie with the water guns," Calum shrugged.

"Get. Off. The. Table. And. Come. Here." We did and Mr.Briggs sighed

"You too, Stephanie," he added and she huffed and started to walk over to us but she slipped and fell.

People laughed and she got back up and took a deep breath and walked over to us and we walked to his office.

We knew we were gonna get in trouble, so we weren't surprised and we were expecting a consequence.


"That was gold!" Johnny laughed.

"Yes!" Curtis laughed.

I think it was amazing but I was still upset about the photo. Like I guess everyone has seen it on Stephanie's account and I know it's not me but people think its me. Stephanie hates me, obviously.

"What's wrong?" Kellin asked. Have they seen the picture?

"Stephanie posted a picture of someone who looks like me all over a guy and now everyone thinks that the nobody isn't who she appears, that she's a slut and Luke confronted me about it."

"What does Luke have to do with this? You were just friends. You never had feelings for eachother," Curtis asked.

"We were close," I said.

"I'm gonna look at it," Kellin said taking his phone out and looking for Stephanie's Facebook.

He found it and looked at it, then at me.

"It looks like you but it isn't." Kellin showed everyone else.

"Don't worry, we will try to stop this," Cat said.

"Thanks. Why haven't you seen the picture before now?"

"We don't have her as a friend on Facebook nor we follow her on twitter," Johnny said.


"She's always bragging and she's always fishing for compliments."



"You will be suspended for three days, and Stephanie, you can go home for the day," Mr.Briggs said.

"I've called your mums and Luke, your mum said you can drive home with Calum and Michael in your car," he added.

"Okay," we said in unison.

"Can I go to the restroom?" Michael asked.

"Sure, don't take too long," he said and Michael left the room.


I was walking to the restroom and the bell rang. People were moving to their next class and people were talking about the scene.

I bumped into someone and I saw it was the girl I bumped into on the night of Halloween.

My heart was racing.

She looked amazing, she was wearing black jeans, a black t-shirt, black converse and a red flannel.

I grabbed her wrist and led her to the side.

"Hey, I'm Michael," I said.

"I think everyone knows the name of one of the biggest jerks of the school."

"Look, if I was a jerk, I wouldn't be apologizing about Halloween. I was a jerk, I still am but I want to apologize."

She rolled her eyes and said,"Im Catalina."

"Hey, nice name-" the bell rang.

"Well, I gotta get to class," she said.

"Hey, can we do something after school?"




"For gods sake! Jesus, Catalina I'm not gonna murder you!"

"I don't like you and your friends, okay?"

"Why? We're awesome."

"You're jerks."

"Dammit I just want to go for ice cream and shit, is it too much to ask for?"


"I will be waiting in front of the school later after school," I smiled.

"Okay," she sighed and walked away.


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