Chapter Forty-Four

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"Okay so what do you remember?"

"I felt like being alone. And I ran away from home and I was riding my bike and I fell off and hit my head."

"What caused all of that?"

"I'd rather not discuss it," Luke mumbled.

"It's okay. Luke, I recommend you don't go to school tomorrow. You might not want to go depending how you feel physically and emotionally since something bad clearly made you do what you did. You may leave as soon as your mum signs a few papers." Liz left the room to sign papers and the doctor followed her.

"Who told Steph I was here?" Luke asked sitting up.

"I didn't. She called me and I think she heard some things in the background which made it clear to her that I was in the hospital," I lied. Luke sighed. He sat up and put his clothes on.

"We'll wait for you outside, right Michael?" Calum said.

"Uh, yeah. Hurry up," I said and Calum dragged me out of the room.

We each sat down in a chair and he said,"You called Stephanie, didn't you?

"Yeah, why?" I shrugged.

"How does it affect you anyways?" I added.

"Luke is my best mate! You can't just call her-"

"She's his girlfriend, so why not?"

"You know how much he despises her! We have a plan on how he's gonna dump her-"

"Okay, okay. I called her because Jade was there. We both know they have a thing for eachother and I'm not gonna risk loosing him if he chooses her over us," I admitted. Calum's face softened.

"Mikey, I feel the same way. But what can we do? He likes her. Maybe he even loves her," he sighed.

"Thank you, doctor," Liz said walking in the room with Luke next to her.

"You're welcome. Have a safe night," he said and Liz smiled at him and walked over to us.

"Ready?" she asked and we both nodded.


"I will call you when dinner is ready," my mum said and we nodded.

"Lets go to your room," Calum said.

We laid on my bed and Michael instantly turned my Xbox on and started to play Fifa.

"Michael, you need a girlfriend," Calum chuckled.

"And why is that?" Michael said while his fingers were flying across the game controller.

"Look at you, you freak. All you do is play on your guitar, sing, play video games, get drunk, eat food, hook up with girls, you need to get out and you need something to show your soft side more often," Calum chuckled.

"That's why I have you two. I love you so much," he grinned pausing the game.

"I'm flattered," I said batting my eyelashes like I've never done it before.

"Aww Luke I'm glad you feel the same. We should hook up some time, ya know all of us. A threesome."

"Nah," Calum said laying back.

"Why? I need to see your-"

"Sorry, Mikey. I'm not ready for sex yet. I would rather wait for our honeymoon," Calum wiggled his eyebrows.

The doorbell rang and I heard,"Thank you for coming, Mr.Briggs."

"Thank you for inviting me," Mr.Briggs said.

"What?!" I yelled.

"What's wrong?" Calum asked.

"Why the hell is Mr.Briggs here?!"

"Oh, yeah I knew he was going to come but I forgot, sorry," Michael sighed.

"You need to try to not loose your temper. He's our principle," he added.

"I'll try," I muttered.

"Luke, Calum, Michael! Dinner is ready!" My mum yelled. I took a deep breath and we slowly walked to the dining room.

We sat down and my mum gave us all a plate of food and Michael started eating right away. I just looked at my lap.

"Luke, I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't know," Mr.Briggs sighed.

"I don't want your apologies," I snapped looking at him in the eyes.

"Luke," my mum started.

"The way you asked me, it disgusts me. It's something terrible and you shouldn't say it like its something normal! Of course I don't want your pity but I would rather have that than what you did! I- Im not hungry anymore," I said getting up. I didn't want Mr.Briggs to come and I didn't want to discuss my past with him. It's none of his business!

"Luke, I'm still eating," Michael muttered. My mum sighed and I walked to my room.

"I'm sorry, I should've not come," I heard Mr.Briggs say.

"Don't worry."

"I should go now."

"But you haven't finished your food-"

"It's best for everyone," he said and I heard a door shut. Michael and Calum walked in my room and said,"Can you explain everything?"

I explained everything starting from when I got kicked out of English.

"I'm sorry," Michael sighed rubbing my back.


(A/N) Sorry for the terrible chapter :(

I'm writing a new fanfic atm and its short, too. It's a one direction one and I hope you will enjoy it when I upload it. I will give you more info later :)

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ily :) xx

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