Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I sat down on the swing and turned my phone off so I wouldn't be bothered and so my mum wouldn't track me down.

The way Mr.Briggs asked if I was in an abusive home, it wasn't full of pity, don't get me wrong, I hate getting pity but he said it like it was something normal.

Of course he would say it like that. He never had to deal with someone like Gerard.

I can't stand it.

It's something horrible. Those were the worst years of my life.

I was sitting in the swing in silence and it started to rain heavily. I didn't mind at the moment. It fit my mood.

I sat there letting myself get wet.

What if they start looking for me?

I decided to walk somewhere. I didn't know where, but I didn't want to be somewhere where people would look for me first.

I grabbed my bike and rode around in the rain.

I stopped in front of a coffee shop to take a break and I saw something.

"Come here, you don't want to get wet. Daddy doesn't want you to get wet. If you get wet, we're gonna have to give you a bath," a man told a little boy opening him a little umbrella.

"Thank you daddy. I love you. Are we going home?" the little boy asked his father.

"Yes. Daddy's gonna take you home and we can play whatever you'd like to, okay? He can play superheroes and save the world together," He told him as they walked away holding hands.

A tear rolled down my cheek. I pulled on my hair. It made me feel worse. Why couldn't my family be like others?

I quickly got on my bike again and rode to nowhere in particular.

Why couldn't I have a nice, loving, caring father?

I was crying harder and it was raining harder.

I saw a nice big steep hill and rode my bike down it.

It was muddy and the rain got I'm my eyes making my vision blurry.

I lost control of the bike and I fell off. I rolled down the hill and my head hit a large rock. My eyes were quickly getting heavier and heavier. I moaned and everything went black.


"Here, I think I can pick a lock," Mr.Briggs said.

"How do you know how to?"

"I was once a teenager."

A few moments later the door was unlocked but we couldn't get the door to open.

"I think Luke put something so we couldn't open the door," Mr.Briggs said.

"Luke, please open up!" I cried banging on the door.

"Does Luke have a window in his bedroom?"

"Yes," I replied. Mr.Briggs quickly walked out of the house and I followed him. It was raining pretty hard.

To my surprise, the window was open. I looked inside and Luke wasn't there.

"Luke!" I screamed.

"Do you have a way to track his phone down?"

"Yes," I said.

"It won't show us the location," Mr.Briggs sighed.

"He probably turned it off," I mumbled.

I was on the verge of tears.


"Can we have Calum for dismissal, please?"

Without saying a word, I got up from my seat and left the classroom.

I was wondering why I was leaving early but I really didn't care.

When I made it to the office, a confused Michael was sitting there and Liz was there, too. It looked like she was crying.

"Good luck, Mrs.Hemmings," Mr.Briggs said and Liz nodded. He walked back to his office and she said,"Lets go, I will explain."

"So what happened?" Michael asked when we sat down in her car.

"Luke has disappeared. I don't know where he is. He got suspended today and he was in a bad mood and I don't know why Mr.Briggs followed him to our home and he wasn't okay. There is a hole in the wall, he broke a vase, he was screaming. He locked himself in his room. Once I could get in, h-he was gone and so was his bike."

I couldn't believe it and I know Michael couldn't either. He was pulling on his hair and I was worse. I know Luke very well and something horrible must've happened.

Usually Luke came to me for help and I know this is bad.

"Did you track his phone down?" Michael asked.

"I tried but it wouldn't locate him. I think he turned his phone off."

"Do you know what made him do that?" Michael asked.

"No, Mr.Briggs probably knows a little but all I know is that he had one of his bad moments."

"Do you know where we can find him?" she added.

"Roseberry park," Michael and I said in unison.


(A/N) Poor Luke :'(

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ily :) xx

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