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After some hours,

Its been many hours that Swara has been taken to Operation Theatre... All are looking exhausted from crying... Tears have dried...

The red light gets off, instantly Sanskar who is standing near the door gets alerted... Doctor comes out n everyone rushed near him...

Doctor (little tensed): You both pls come inside... I have to talk to you alone...(to Rp n Shekar)

Sanskar who is tensed now becomes angry lion, he holds Doctor shirt collar...

Sanskar (angrily): First tell me, How is My Princess? Orelse I will kill u...

Doctor gets little fear seeing the young man roaring... Arnav holds Sanskar while Rishabh leave his hand from collar and ask him to calm down...

"Doctor, pls tell us directly what happened to our Shona?", Rishabh demanded, he too worried a lot more for his baby... But this is not the time to show his pain... He is more mature as he needs to deal it with patience...

"Ok, I will tell you all.. come to my cabin", Doctor told...

Shekar, Rp, Rishabh, Arnav and Sanskar went inside Doctors cabin... While Laksh settled back with Shomi n Sujata who are so much worried for their little daughter...


Rp n Shekar sat infront of doctor in chair while RiSaNav stood behind them... all are tensed...

Doctor: Ur daughter is out of danger, so relax...

All smiled in tears as their life is fine... Their Princess is fine...

Doctor: But her condition is critical now...

All their went pale hearing this...

Rp(tensed): Why? U said that she is out of danger... What happened now?

Doctor: She is fine, relax... But..

Arnav (loosing his temper): But what doctor? What happened to my Sister? Tell us..

Sanskar is clenching his fist tightly in pain... He just want to know if she is fine but here this doctor is making him restless...

Doctor: She is in deep fear... (Everyone frowns) she is afraid of something... Something has happened before her accident which had affected her mind very badly... She is only 13 years... This is too much for a 13 yr girl to take in... I am seeing her from birth... I have already informed you all that her mind nerves are very delicate, that it couldn't bear any powerful depression... Her brain is mentally affected by that incident... She had gone into trauma n depressed seeing something...her brain couldn't bear that pain n depression... I am sorry to say this, she forgot everything from her birth... She had memory loss...

All gasps in shock... Everything went blank for all... Their little Princess had gone through so much pain... She couldn't even bear a little scratch on her skin but now.. she had pain in her brain too much that she forgot everything... She Forgot her everything... Her life, her childhood, Her family, She forgot them all...

Here, Sanskar, Arnav and Rishabh froze on their spot... They felt like someone stabbing their hearts with sharp knife... They could feel their Princess pain n they can't bear it... Their Princess who is the lifeline of everyone is now forgot them all... They three are drowning in so much guilt as they are not able to save her from that evil incident which made their Princess fear for life, which affects her memory loss... Sanskar is standing lifeless... A past incident came on his mind...


Before some years,

All children are playing in their Garden... They are playing hide n seek in night... Lucky is counting numbers with closed eyes facing the wall as he is the Catcher... Ragini n Kushi are hiding behind the car, Rishabh is hiding behind the tree while Arnav is hiding behind another tree... Sanskar is searching for Swara who runs first to hide... Now he can't find where did she gone, he knew very well that she will be afraid in dark...

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