Chapter 25

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Melody's PoV

I wake up the next morning to Edward smiling brightly at me. I blush a little, slowly moving to get up.

"What time is it?" I ask, wiping my eyes.

"6:00am," he responds.

I groan, "do you think I'll have enough to time to shower before we leave?"

He nods.

I smile and jump out of bed, walking straight into the bathroom. I turn the faucet on and walk into the shower, letting the warm water hit me. I wash my hair with my strawberry shampoo, and use my strawberry shower gel. I turn off the shower, and wrap a towel around my body.

I stand in front of the mirror, placing my wet hair into an intricate braid. I wash my face, patting it dry, before applying some eyeshadow, and mascara.

I then walk back into my room. Noticing Edward isn't here anymore, I rummage through my dresser and pick out some black jeans, a baby blue crop top and a grey hoody. I quickly get dressed, putting on my shoes.

I check the time. 700am. Good I have enough time to eat, I think to myself.

I walk out of my room, throwing my backpack onto my shoulder. I enter the kitchen to find everyone sat there waiting for me.

"Morning," I greet.

They all smile. I notice a spot open, with a plate of food into front of it. It is obviously for me, so I go and sit there.

"Last semester of the year, for you lot," Rose says.

I grin widely, "I can't wait to graduate. I can then go to college or get a job. It's an exciting time to be alive."

Everyone laughs at my enthusiasm.

"What do you want to be when you're older?" Esme asks me.

I shrug, "I was thinking about becoming a nurse, but I'm not sure."

Carlisle gives me a knowing look, "I think you'll be a wonderful nurse. I'll see if I can get you a internship with me at the hospital."

I choke on my orange juice.

"You wouldn't mind me being your assistant nurse?" I ask shocked.

He smiles, "of course not."

I smile widely, "thank you Carlisle."

Edward then looks at his watch, "we better go. Ashton's gonna want to pick up Bella."

I nod, handing my plate to Esme, who instantly starts washing it up.

Edward then entwined his hand with my own, guiding me outside to the car.


Lunch comes around way too quickly, and Edward pulls me into the cafeteria. We walk over to the food and I start scanning, looking for something decent to eat.

I end up picking a sandwich, and a smoothie, before paying and sitting next to Bella at the table. Edward sits incredibly close to me, with his hand hovering behind my chair.

I could feel myself blushing. Quickly trying to shrug it off I open my sandwich as Ashton joins, sitting right next to Bella.

I smile to myself, as Alice and Jasper also sit down next to us.

I watch as Alice smiles brightly.

"I've decided to throw a party," she states cheerfully.

I look at her my eyes widening, given what happened last time.

Jasper gives us a side look, "After all, how many times are we gonna graduate high school?"

I smirk at the comment, as Edward and Ashton both chuckle.

Bella's friends just stop what they are doing and turn to stare at her.

"A party? At your place?" Angela asks.

"I've never seen your house," Jess states.

"No one's seen their house," Eric states.

I roll my eyes, muttering under my breathe, "of course you haven't."

I see Edward smirk at me, before looking at Alice.

"Another party, Alice?" Edward asks.

"It'll be fun," she replies, grinning happily.

"Yeah. That's what you said last time," Bella states.

I roll my eyes at Bella, "you're such a buzzkill Bella."

She sighs at me, giving me a small glare.

At this exact moment Alice is pulled into a vision. Her face goes stiff and she sits there staring into nothing.

I watch as Bella diverts the attention away from Alice. I on the other hand focus on Alice and suddenly see a series of pictures in my head.

Confused I shake my head, to snap myself out of it.

Alice then blinks a few times, before glancing over to me.

Edward turns to Ashton muttering something.

I avoid Alice's gaze, staying in complete silence. Instead I quickly finish off my food, before standing up and throwing my food away.

I walk back to the table, "the bell is gonna go soon, I'm going to go, nice to see you guys."

I wave at Angela, Jess and Eric. They all smile back at me.

I then walk off to my locker, where I'm interrupted by Edward.

"Alice said you saw the vision," Edward asks me, confused.

"I....I didn't see it properly. It was like a series of pictures in my head," I explain to him.

"How?" He questions.

I shrug, "I just focused on Alice."

"That's how she knew, she felt you staring at her, looking into her mind," Edward states.

"What its no big deal," I say, closing my locker, holding my biology textbook.

"What did you see?" He asks.

I sigh, "I saw her. I saw Victoria."

He gives me a look.

"She's coming after Bella and I," I inform him, before walking away to biology.

A Timeless Eternity 🎼 Edward Cullenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें