Chapter 38

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Melody's PoV

A day later, Edward decides to take me on a picnic. He went back to the mainland yesterday and collected anything I wanted. So he bought me a navy blue swimsuit, so that we could go swimming today.

Smiling I walk out into the kitchen, to find Edward approaching me with an empty picnic basket.

I kiss him on the cheek, taking it from him. I instantly notice how dark his eyes have gotten in the last day or two.

"I'll prepare the food, you go hunting," I suggest.

He sighs, "I don't want to leave you alone."

I roll my eyes, "as sweet as that is, love, I don't want you to be in pain around me."

He smiles, leaning in to kiss me on the lips, "how did I manage to find someone like you?"

I chuckle, "I guess fate had it's plans set out ever since we were both born."

"Well I was born in 1901 so......" He smirks.

I slap his arm playfully, "you know what I mean."

He puts his hands up in surrender.

"No go," I order, "I'll be ready to leave when you get back. I promise."

He salutes at me, causing me to giggle, as he speeds out of the room.


It was now evening, and Edward was chasing me around the beach. We fall over and start laughing as I cuddle up into his embrace.

"Look, the sun is setting," I whisper to Edward.

He smiles, "you want to watch it?"

I nod, "then we can make a bonfire, before stargazing."

I hear him chuckle at my enthusiasm, "anything for you darling."

I roll my eyes, but sit up to watch the gorgeous reds, pinks and oranges flood the sky. The sun rays start disappearing as the moon touches the sea, causing it to shimmer like glitter. Darkness sweeps across the landscape as I stare out into the horizon.

I feel the absence of Edward, as he stands up and constructs a small bonfire in front of us. Well to be honest it was more like a little camp fire, but it's the thought that counts.

I smile as I stand up and rush back inside, opening a cupboard in the kitchen to find some marshmallows. Grinning I run back to Edward who is sat beside the fire.

"Where did you go?" He asks as I take a seat next to him.

I wave the packet of marshmallows in front of him, "to get these."

He smiles.

"Pass me a stick," I say, breaking the packet open, and placing one marshmallow on the end. I pass it to Edward and quickly make myself one.

"I know you can't eat but it'll still be fun," I chuckle, hovering my stick over the fire, roasting the marshmallow.

He leans into me and wraps his arm around my waist, kissing my temple as he copies my actions. Together we watch the colour of the marshmallows darken as the fire burns them.

Smiling I pull my marshmallow out and gently pull it off, propping it into my mouth. Edward smiles and does the same, except he feeds it to me. Wiping my chin when some of the goop dripped, missing my mouth slightly.

I laugh loudly as he smiles brightly at me.


"Hey, let's move up to the porch," I suggest, "I wanna lay on one of the sofa's and stargaze."

"Of course love," he smiles, getting up holding his hand out for me. I quickly take it and he lifts me up with ease.

He twirls me around as we dance our way up to the porch. I take a seat and lay down, Edward lying next to me.

I glance up at the night sky, watching as the stars all twinkle and shine brightly.

I point my hand up, "look, there is an image of a dog."

He furrows his eyebrows, "where?"

"There," I point up at the sky.

"You're just pointing to the sky," he chuckles.

I roll my eyes before glancing over at another shape which was forming within the stars. It was like a family portrait, a couple holding a little baby.

Smiling I feel Edward wipe a tear from my cheek.

"What's wrong, Melody," Edward asks me gently.

I shake my head, "nothing."

He frowns, turning to me, "what did you see?"

I sigh, "up there. Just left of the moon."

He looks up for a few moments, before glancing back at me.


I sit up cutting him off, "forget it. I'm stupid for even thinking about it."

"Melody," he whispers gently, "I'm sorry."

"It's not you fault," I whisper back, "I guess somethings aren't meant to be."

There was an obvious sadness in my voice.

"But, one thing I know was meant to be, was us. Our love. I feel like it's been written in the stars, and only we can see what happens next," I say, racing my hand, touching his face gently.

He smiles, returning the gesture.

I stare into his golden eyes, getting lost in the swirling patterns. I lean in slowly and place a soft but passionate kiss on Edward's lips. I move my hands up to his hair, and start brushing my way through it.

"Melody," he whispers in between my kisses.

I pause, "don't think about it Edward. I love you and I want this."

He stares at me hesitantly.

I cup his face, "go on lose control."

He growls slightly, as I blush deeply.

He then pulls me on top of him and I straddle his waist, leaning forward to kiss him hard. Surprised I'm faced with a rough but loving kiss from Edward. I know my lips are probably swollen at this point but I don't care. Instead I embrace the bliss of the love Edward and I share for one another.

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