Chapter 11

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Melody's PoV

We make it back to there house. I get out and it looks beautiful.

"You live here?" I ask.

Rose nods.

We then go up into the kitchen. She gets me a glass of water and we go and sit down in the living space.

"So what do you want to know?" Alice asks.

"What can you actually do, being a vampire?" I ask.

Emmett grins, "every vampire has speed, strength, agility, are bulletproof and even have amazing looks."

I laugh as Emmett starts posing as a model.

"I take it you are all from different eras," I say.

They all nod.

"I would ask you about your past but only when your comfortable enough to tell me," I say.

Everyone smiles.

Alice grins, "you're very compassionate and understanding."

I shrug.

Rose nods, "it's actually quite refreshing."

I shake my head, "how old are you all? Like your age when you turned?"

Alice speaks up, "I'm 19, and so is Jasper."

Rose frowns, "I was turned at the age of 18."

Emmett grins, "20."

I turn to Edward.

"Ashton and I were 17."

"So are you both, actually twins," I ask him.

He nods, "unfortunately yes."

I laugh.

Alice smiles, "why don't you and Edward go and talk."

I look at her confused, "okay."

Edward then walks over to me and offers his hand.

"I want to show you somewhere," he says.

I nod and take his hand. I instantly feel a spark run up through my arm. And we both let go straight away.

We stare at each other before he indicates that we should go.


We walk outside, and Edward stops turning to me.

"Jump on my back," he instructs.

I give him a weird look, "what?"

He rolls his eyes, "just do it."

A Timeless Eternity 🎼 Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now