Chapter 29

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Melody's PoV

Afternoon finally came around and I quickly got dressed into some sweats. Today the werwolves were coming for training, which Jasper was leading.

I place my hair in a high ponytail and walk outside of the house, where Edward was waiting for me.

"Don't tell me, I've got jump on your back," I say grinning.

He laughs, "I'm afraid so."

He turns around, as I hop on.

"Close your eyes Melody," he instructs.

I immediately shut them, feeling a rush of wind hitting my face. The moment I felt Edward stop, I open my eyes. Edward gently places me back to the ground. I hold onto his arm, for balance as my head was spinning.

"Woah," I say, placing my hand to my head.

"Melody are you okay?" Edward asks, concern laced in his voice.

I nod, "just need to catch my breath."

He smiles, entwining his hand with my own, pulling me over to a tree stump, so that I could sit down and watch.

A few minutes later, I spot Bella walking over a little dazed.

"Head rush?" I question.

She looks at me weirdly but nods, "yeah Ashton brought me here on his back."

I smile, "I'm never gonna get used to that mode of transport."

Bella grins, taking a seat next to me.

I then look up at the scene in front of us, Jasper and Emmett fighting each other while everyone else observed.

"This is so unfair, why do we have to sit and watch. I hate not being able to do anything," I complain to Bella.

She agrees, "Ashton sees me as this fragile being. Scared I'll break at any moment."

I sigh, "we are fragile, we're both human."

"Maybe, but we should still get the chance to practice fighting," Bella states.

I turn to her smiling, "well we could always practice together."

Bella smiles.

"We'll just practise, in the human way," I say laughing.

Bella nods, as we turn to see the wolves emerge from the trees.

I stand up with Bella. Within seconds Edward was stood next to me, holding me close to him, clearly protective.

Edward then speaks up, "They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms."

Carlisle turns to Edward, placing an arm on his shoulder, "They came. That's what matters," Carlisle pauses, "will you translate?"

Edward nods.

Carlilse then addresses the wolves, "Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them."

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