Chapter 4

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Melody's PoV

I reluctantly put what just happened with Edward to the back of my mind and link my arms with Rose, who leads me inside the cafeteria.

The moment we step inside everyone's eyes are on us. I glance at Bella awkwardly and she grins widely at my situation.

I feel Rose tugging at my arm gently, "come on, let's get some food."

I nod.

Rose and I walk over to the salad bar while the rest of her family sit at, what I assume is the table that they have claimed.

"So, Melody what brings you to Forks?" Rose asks.

"Well, my mother was born here, grew up with Charlie Swan," I start to explain.

"As in Chief Swan?" Rose questions.

I laugh, "yes. They are best friends. His daughter, Bella Swan, and I have been best friends since we were little toddlers."

She smiles, "is that why Bella is staring at you."

I turn my head and sure enough she is.

I shrug, "I guess so. Anyway it's nothing new, everyone has been staring at me today. It's actually quite disturbing."

Rose laughs, "I know what you mean. Everyone stares at my family. They have done since we moved here a few years ago."

"Let me guess, they stare because you're different," I state.

"Different?" She questions.

I look at her panicked, "I meant different in a good way. You know, like they must be jealous of you or something."

She smiles, "ah, yes."

"I mean, everyone is staring at me because of my ginger hair," I state.

"I happen to really like your hair," she compliments.

I give her a small smile.

It then goes silent.

I quickly create some salad art and make my way to pay for it, along with a bottle of water.

"You know, you are the first person that I have actually gotten along with here other than my family," Rose blurts.

I turn to her, "really? Is that why your family are so surprised by your actions?"

She grins, "I suppose."

I laugh, "well, I'm glad you like me. It's always good to make friends especially at some point in your life. You'll be surprised by how much you actually need them."

She smiles and grabs my hand, leading me over to her family. I quickly take a seat in between Rose and Alice.

"So ginger?" Emmett booms, "Can I call you Ginger?"

I shrug, "sure."

"Do you like Edward?" He asks.

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