Chapter 26

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Melody's PoV

A week later, Bella returns from her visit to see Renee.

I walk with her across the car park, "how's Renee?"

Bella smiles, "she's happy, loves the sunshine. She also wants to see you again. She hasn't seen you since the funeral."

I sigh, "I know. Everything has been a little chaotic. I promise to visit her once we graduate."

Bella nods.

I then see Jacob, standing next to his bike, looking extremely buff.

I roll my eyes at him, "what's up Jake."

"Good, you?" He asks.

"I've been better," I say, before grabbing Edwards hand, walking over to Alice and Jasper.

I watch the scene between, Ashton, Bella and Jake unfold in front of me.

"Well, she looks rather pissed," I say, smiling a little.

"It's cause Ashton kept it a secret that Victoria has returned," Edward explains.

"I'm glad you didn't lie to me," I whisper, "cause I would've flipped out on you worse than Bella."

I grin at Edward who shakes his head at me playfully.

I then see Ashton storm over to us, looking just as pissed as Bella did.

"Where's Bella going?" I ask.

"For a ride," Ashton snaps.

I roll my eyes, "give her some credit. She trusts you big time, maybe it's time you learn to trust her."

"I do trust her!" He exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air.

"So you're not jealous of the fact that she's on the back of a bike, with a werewolf, who is looking rather good these days," I state.

Ashton narrows his eyes at me, "of course you think he looks hot, what about my brother?"

"I like Jake, but he's nothing more than a friend to me where as I love your brother, and he knows that I wouldn't betray him like that," I tell Ashton, "besides Bella loves you! not Jake, she sees him as her younger brother, nothing more!"

I then storm off to my first lesson, myself now extremely pissed off.


I decide to ditch my last lesson, and drive Edward's Volvo back home. I park the car, locking it as I enter the house.

I call out to see if anyone is home, but no one responds.

So I hang up my coat, throw my bag on the floor and walk upstairs into the living room.

I spot the piano in the corner and immediately sit at it, placing my hands over the keys. I then start playing a soft tune, as my fingers gracefully brush on the keys.

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