Chapter 22

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Melody's PoV

I walk into the kitchen, and see Rose making me some breakfast.

"Thank you for staying with me Rose," I say gratefully.

"Of course, you're my best friend Melody," she says smiling.

"Everyone arrived home yesterday," Rose states.

I nod at her.

"Bella wants to have a meeting tonight at our house," Rose says.

"No doubt it's gonna be about what happened in Italy," I say.

"You don't have to turn, Melody," Rose informs me.

"I know, but I couldn't do that to Edward," I explain, "you saw what happened with Ashton. He couldn't live without Bella."

Rose gives me a small smile.

"Unlike Bella, I don't wish to turn straight away. I would prefer to wait. Live a few more human years," I explain to her.

She looks up in surprise," why, would you do that?"

"Because I respect Edward and your decision against me becoming a vampire," I tell her, "I don't mind waiting."

She smiles widely.


I stare at of the window, holding an envelope with Carlisle and Esme's name written on it neatly.

"Are you ready to go?" Rose asks me.

"Does everyone know about my parents?" I ask her.

She shakes her head, "no, at the moment, only you and I know. And Bella obviously."

I sigh, "let's go."

I jump onto her back, and she rushes into the forest.

I open my eyes as we enter the living room, where everyone stood silently.

"Woah, that was a hell of a head rush," I state smiling.

Rose laughs.

"We should totally do that again."

I look around at everyone. I spot Edward up on the staircase, standing next to Ashton.

I put my hand into my pocket, and pull out a set of keys.

I throw them at Edward, who catches them with ease.

"Didn't leave a scratch," I whisper.

He grins widely.

"I knew you would all come back eventually," I say, glancing around the room, "actually I was hoping you would."

I walk over to Esme and Carlisle, handing them the letter.

They look at me confused.

"Read it, everything will make sense," I say.

They quickly scan read it. Esme looks up, a sad expression covering her face.

"Oh Melody I'm so sorry," she hugs me tightly.

For some reason, I just lose it and cry in Esme's arms. She strokes my hair.

"Shhh, let it all out," she whispers into my ear.

I sense Edward behind me, and I turn around and hug him tightly.

Edward must have whispered something to Jasper, because I suddenly start feeling extremely tired.

I close my eyes, unwillingly, falling asleep.


Edwards PoV

I felt Melody slump against me. Numbly I picked her up bridal style and place her gently onto the sofa in the room. Esme covers her fragile body in a warm blanket.

"What does the letter say?" Alice asks.

"It's part of her parents will," Carlisle states.

I sigh looking at Melody.

"What are you talking about?" Emmett states.

"Can't you see, Emmett she's absolutely devastated," Rose snaps.

"Her emotions are all over the place," Jasper states.

Bella sighs, "she's been like this, ever since it happened."

"Since what happened?" Alice asks confused.

"You mean you didn't see it?" Bella questions.

"No she didn't," I whisper, "I don't any of us could have seen it."

"Someone murdered her parents, in their home," Bella states, "she's been living there, by herself since it happened."

Alice's expression saddens, "how did I not see it."

I hear Rose sigh.

"Anything you wish to add, Rose?" I question.

"She thinks it was Victoria, who murdered her parents," she informs us.

Bella nods, "my dad said it was an animal attack, but we all know what that means. Besides what kind of animal attacks someone in their own home?"

"Well clearly a vampire," I mutter.

"None of you are animals, neither are you monsters," Bella informs us.

I give her a small smile, as Ashton wraps his arm around Bella's waist.

Bella then looks up to Carlisle and Esme, "are you gonna do it?"

Esme smiles brightly, "of course. She's become like my own daughter."

Bella smiles.

Ashton speaks up, "wait, so her parents put in their will, an adoption form, specifically for Carlisle and Esme to fill out?"

Bella nods, "yes. They saw how happy she was with Edward. I think they didn't want her to lose that happiness."

"But we left?" I ask confused.

Carlisle sighs, "yes but I would have eventually received a call, informing about the will."

Alice smiles, "well we better get a room ready for her. We can have join it Edward's!"

I roll my eyes at this, but smile, knowing that Melody will forever be close to me.

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