Chapter 23

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Melody's PoV

A few days later, Carlisle and Esme had finalised the adoption form. Meaning I was allowed to come home with them today.

Currently I was sat on my bed, in my attic bedroom. Edward next to me, smiling.

"I get to come home, with you today," I say smiling widely.

Edward grins, "yes, and Alice has painted your walls, and installed a closet."

I sigh, "don't tell me, she stocked it, didn't she?"

He laughs, "of course she did."

I groan at this.

"When is everyone coming round to help move all my furniture in here. The rest of the house is empty, it has been for a while," I inform him.

He takes my hand, "hey, everything will be okay, I promise I won't leave. You've still got me. And I guess my family too."

I laugh at his words.

"Melody, I wanted to give this to you before I left but, I didn't think it was the right time," he says, going all serious on me.

He then places something cold into my hand.

I open my palm to find a small, detailed ring.

I start panicking, "Edward!?"

He smiles at me, "it's not an engagement ring, at least not yet."

I laugh at him.

"It's a promise ring, to know that I'll always love you and will wait for as long as it takes for you to be mine forever," he tells me.

I smile at him, placing in onto my finger.

I then lean in to kiss him. He instantly kisses me back, lowering me onto my bed gently.

I kiss with so much passion, wrapping my hands around his neck, one hand slowly moving to tug his hair.

He smiles into the kiss, placing a hand on my hip, the other stroking my face affectionately.

I pull away to breath a little, before kissing him again. Somehow I manage to turn him over and straddle him. Kissing him gently again.

He pulls away, "Melody!" He whispers.

I open my eyes and stare into his eyes. They were now black, instead of a beautiful Honey golden.

I smile at him, "looks as though, we've tested your self control enough for today."

He laughs a little, as I hug him, laying my head on his chest. I end up falling asleep with him next to me.


"Melody," a voice whispers to me, "Melody wake up."

I slowly open my eyes, to see Emmett walking into my room. I turn to see I'm still cuddled up to Edward.

"Rise and shine, love birds," Emmett grins

I instantly sit up, Edward sighing, as he stays on my bed.

"Today we're moving you into the Cullen household," Emmett states.

Rose then walks into my room, smacking Emmett around the head.

"Next time, knock Emmett," she tells him, before walking over to me.

I laugh a little.

I grab some clothes from one of boxes, and quickly get dressed into something that's easier to move around in.

I exit the bathroom, to find everything had been taken except a few boxes.

"Let me guess, vampire abilities are key priorities here," I say to Edward who was leaning against the wall.

He grins.

"I'm gonna take the last few boxes. I'll let you say goodbye alone," he says.

I smile at him grateful.

"You mind if I drive myself back home?" I ask him.

He smiles, "of course not."

He pockets his keys into my back pocket.

"I'll see you later," he smiles, placing a gentle kiss onto my lips.

With that he disappears.


I walk around the entire house, checking that everything was left in perfect condition. I slowly walk into the kitchen and checked all the cupboards for any left over food.

I glance around me and smile widely as the memories float around my head.

Slowly I place the house keys on the kitchen side.

"I'm never forget you, mum, dad. I promise to live my to the fullest and make both of you proud."

I then turn around and open the front door. I exit and closely close the door behind me.

"Goodbye," I whisper.

A Timeless Eternity 🎼 Edward CullenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon