Chapter 45

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Melody's PoV

Rose stares at me in shock, as I completely freeze on the spot. I bite my lip hard as I feel a wave of pain, flood through me. I instinctively grab hold of my bump and breathe heavily.

Rose continues staring, she clearly didn't know what to do, I mean the hospital room was currently occupied by Bella, who I assumed was now in transition. Rose was looking after Reneesme, holding her tightly, protecting her from the threat outside. And everyone else was preoccupied with fighting the wolves.

"Rose," I whisper yell, "what do I do?"

Panicking, Rose grabs the cot, which Bella and I had ordered together. She places Reneesme gently inside, laying a blanket on her. She then turns to me.

"We are gonna have to do this the old fashioned way," she explains, taking my arm, guiding me over to the sofa.

She helps me onto the floor, so that I sat on a towel, that she had laid out. My back lent up against the front of the sofa, my bump facing the fireplace in the room.

She helps me take off my underwear, as I was wearing a dress, which I was so grateful for.

She props my legs up, placing a towel over them covering me slightly. She speeds off into the hospital room and comes back with a syringe.

"This is morphine," she explains, injecting it into my arm causing me to wince.

I felt it enter my bloodstream, slowly taking away some of the pain I was feeling.

I lay my head back against the pillow, sweat forming on my forehead.

Rose bends down and checks how for dilated I am.

Her eyes widen, "you're fully dilated."

"What!" I exclaim,"but my water broke 10 minutes ago."

She sighs, "when you next feel the urge, I'm going to need you to push Melody."

I stare at her, shaking my head.

"You can do it," she encourages, "I know you can."

I suddenly felt a kick down on my cervix, the baby was breaking open the impenetrable embryonic sac, allowing for it to be born.

I scream out in pain, as my skin tears slightly inside, blood dripping a little from my vagina. I use the pain as a motivation to push, and I scream out as I push with all the energy I had.

"The head," Rose states, "I can see the head."

I take a deep breathe.

"Push Melody!" Rose instructs.

I nod and push again really hard, at this point I feel the baby's shoulders force their way out of me. I push again but a little more gently, as Rose slides out the baby.

She quickly cuts the cord, clears the baby's airways and wraps it gently up into a baby pink blanket.

I breathe heavily as I focus on keeping my heart rate going, which to my surprise was still beating unlike Bella. It seems that I have survived the process of this birth, at least for now.

My head perks up at the sound of a baby crying out. Rose smiles as she hands the baby over to me.

"Looks like it's a girl," she says smiling widely.

I gently place the baby on my chest, and stroke her head.

"Welcome to the world Aubree Harper Cullen," I whisper softly.

Rose smiles warmly, quickly checking on Reneesme, before cleaning everything up.

"We need to stop the fight outside," I whisper to Rose.

She sighs, "Jacob imprinted on Reneesme, so they won't hurt her or Bella. But they are still fighting because of you."

I sit there and think about what I should do. I smile when an idea comes to mind.

"Help me up Rose," she does so, lifting me swiftly onto my feet.

I then slowly walk over the front door, Rose behind me holding Reneesme in her arms, while I hold Aubree tightly to my chest.

I push open the door and everyone outside stops what they are doing. Edward's eyes snap over to me, when he sees me holding a little baby.

I ignore him for the moment staring directly at the wolves.

"You need to stop!" I say sternly, "you can't kill my little girl without killing me!"

They growl at me.

"And you can't kill me, because I survived. I'm still human. And protecting humans is one of your absolute laws," I explain as the Cullen's speed over to me, in a protective stance.

I watch as Sam glares at me, however he doesn't retreat straight away.

Edward speeds up behind me, wrapping his arm tightly around my waist for support and protection.

He then addresses the group, "Seth just imprinted on Aubree."

My widen slightly, as I glance over to Seth, who looks highly nervous and uncomfortable.

Instead of being angry, I smile at him, since he has just saved my little girls life.

I then look at Sam and focus on his mind.

"My daughter and I are no threat to you. You will allow her to stay here unharmed. And you will allow me the choice to turn into the vampire. Agreeing to new treaty terms," I tell him.

He glances at me with a shocked impression, but nods all the same, pulling his paws away. Quickly retreating.

He turns and runs off into the forest, leaving the Cullen's alone, surrounded by only Jake, Seth and Leah in wolf form.

Edward reaches up to my face, stroking it gently. Smiling I hand Aubree over to him, placing her softly into his arms. Aubree gurgles in response, clearly happy to be in her fathers arms.

After handing Aubree over I begin to feel dizzy and stumble slightly, only for Carlisle to steady me.

"We should get you inside Melody," Carlisle states, "you need to rest."

I nod and take a step forward when I go dizzy again, this time I fall forward into someone's arms. I close my eyes, feeling my heart beat slow.

"Edward," I whisper, "do it."

I hear him sigh, knowing that it was him who was holding me. He leans forward and breathes onto my neck, before biting hard on my skin. I scream out as I feel his teeth pierce me, letting his venom flow into my bloodstream.

I feel it burn, passing it's way through my circulatory system. My body felt like it was on fire, causing my body to jolt slightly, before going dormant, as the venom mixes in with the morphine flowing through my veins.

I blink for the last time, my last tear escaping my eyes as I go limp in Edward's arms.

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