Chapter 32

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Melody's PoV

I stir awake, listening to a beeping noise come in from my side. I open my eyes to a bright light.

"Am I dead?" I croak.

I feel someone next to me, chuckling.

"Not yet Melody," Carlisle responds.

As my eyes readjust, I slowly sit up, wincing in pain.

"Careful, I've cleaned your wound and put in proper stitches. But you need to take it easy for the next few weeks," Carlisle explains to me.

I nod, "how long have I been out for?"

"A few days," he replies, "Edwards been very worried, as has Bella."

I breathe in deeply, "I wasn't supposed to get hurt, Victoria grabbed and stabbed me with a tree branch."

"I know, Bella told us," he says, walking over holding a syringe.

"This has morphine in, to help with the pain," he informs me.

I nod as he carefully injects it into my arm.

"Can I see everyone?" I ask.

He smiles, "of course, I'll help you to the living room."

I smile back, holding out my hand.

He slowly guides me towards the door, to the sofa in the living room.

I notice Edward stood by the balcony, he rushes to my side, taking over from Carlisle.

Edward sits down and pulls me gently onto his lap, while I cuddle up to his body.

"I'm sorry," he whispers.

"It's not your fault Edward," I respond, "none of us knew what Vitoria was planning."

I hear him sigh deeply, knowing he still feels guilty.

"One question, how did you overcome the overwhelming scent of my blood?" I ask curious.

He catches my eyes, "it doesn't bother me anymore."

"Nor me," Rose states walking in holding Emmett's hand.

Edward smiles, "I couldn't hurt you, I love you too much."

I smile widely.

Emmett turns to me, "we've all become accustomed to your scent. We barely register it compared to Bella."

I nod in understanding.

"Dee!" I hear a high pitch voice cheer, "you're awake!"

She suddenly appears next to me, hugging my gently.

"Careful Alice, I'm still healing," I smile.

"Of course, have you decided when you want to get married?" She asks excitedly.

I furrow my eyebrows, "How do you know about that?"

"You're engaged!?" Rose and Emmett's chorus.

Alice laughs, as my face comes to a realisation.

"Of course, you know everything," I reply sarcastically.

I then glance down at me left hand, only to find neither my engagement ring or promise ring was there.

I look over at Edward alarmed. He senses this and pulls the two rings out if his shirt pocket. He gently places them on my ring finger, as I grin widely.

"I thought I lost them, for a minute then," I say breathing a sigh of relief.

He grins, "I took them off while you were asleep. They needed to be cleaned."

I nod.

"Well?" Alice questions.

"Alice, I have no idea when I want to get married, my main priority right now is to feel better," I explain to her.

Ashton and Bella then walk into the room, Bella smiling when she sees me.

"How's the wrist?" I ask.

"Good you?"

"Meh," I reply.

"So, Alice has been pestering me about the date of my wedding," Bella starts.

I groan at this as everyone chuckles.

"And I've decided that we should have a joint wedding," Bella finishes.

I stare at her in shock. Edward and Ashton roll their eyes. Everyone else smiles at the idea as Alice squeals in delight.

"Yes!" She exclaims, "I can see it now."

My eyes widen, "really?"

She grins at me, as does Bella.

"Alright fine, but I want a summer wedding," I agree.

Bella nods, "Ashton and I were originally gonna get married on the August 13th, but we can change it if you prefer another time."

I shake my head, "no I think that would be perfect."

Bella then gestures me to talk to Alice.

"Alice, Bella and I want you to sort everything out. To help you if you go in my room, under the loose floorboard there are two books. I'm sure they'll be very useful to your planning," I explain.

Alice jumps in excitement before rushing upstairs.

I turn to Edward," are you alright with this?"

Edward smiles widely, "of course I am. It doesn't matter to me how, when, where we get married, just that you become my wife, through a celebration of love."

I smile and kiss him softly on the lips.

As I pull back, I begin to yawn.

"Looks as though the morphine is kicking in," I whisper, leaning into Edward, closing my eyes drifting of to sleep.

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