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Melody's PoV

I glance over at Edward smiling widely, as he jumps around the small puddles filling little crevices around the back garden. Aubree giggling as she chases after her father, the two of them having so much fun together.

A smile appears upon my face as I think back to when I first met Edward nearly three years ago.


"Where's Edward?" I ask.

I notice Alice smile.

"I'm here," a voice states behind me.

I jump and turn around, "are you trying to give me a heart attack."

"um, no I apologise for that. So you're Melody?" He questions.

I nod, "just like the sound."

He smiles.


Edward's eyes catch mine as I get lost in his Golden orbs.


"So are you enjoying the rain?" He asks me.

I roll my eyes, "You're asking me about the weather?"

Edward smiles, "I guess I am."

I sigh, "I happen to love the rain. I find it's very calming, helps me to think. Oh and I love to dance in the rain, that's extremely fun."

He smiles, laughing a little.

"What?" I gasp, "don't tell me you haven't danced in the rain."

He shakes his head, "I'm afraid I haven't."

"You haven't lived," I laugh.


I feel Edward's hand entwine with mine as spins me around on the decking.


He gets up and holds his hand out for me. When I take it, the sky thunders and little rain drops start to fall.

"Come on," he says, "I don't want you to get ill."

I shake my head, "no, wait."

We then stand there as the rain becomes heavier.

"Melody let's go," he says.

A Timeless Eternity 🎼 Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now