Chapter 42

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Melody's PoV

Two weeks have passed and everyone is acting extremely cautious. I mean Bella and I now look 9 months after such a short amount of time. Deep down I have a feeling that we might not make it, but there is always a chance that we could survive. Although we'd both become vampires as a result.

I'm more worried about Bella, at the moment, she is a couple of days ahead in her pregnancy and so has an earlier due date. Although by the growth rate of my pregnancy, Carlisle thinks that I could give birth around the same time as Bella.

"Melody," I hear Bella call out.

I turn to her, as she pulls the blanket over her stomach.

"I'm fine," I whisper back, reaching out to hold her hand.

She smiles, as Rose walks in.

"Jacob, is probably gonna be round soon," she explains, "he'll have heard from Charlie that neither of you are very well."

I sigh, "great! Just what we need an annoying werewolf."

Bells rolls her eyes, "Jake's not that bad."

I scoff, picking up a book from the side and reading it, letting the room fall into a comfortable silence.

Suddenly the Cullen's all look over to the staircase, Carlisle speeds downstairs and greets whoever is down there.

I catch Edward's eyes, and stare at him. He blinks and looks away clearly feeling guilty.

I then hear Jacob's voice.

"Jake, is that you?" Bells asks, calling out to him, her voice a little croaky.

Jake enters the room and spots Bella sat next to me.

Bella's face lights up when she sees him, "I'm glad you came."

Jake walks closer to us, but is stopped by Rose.

"Close enough," she spits, folding her arms across her chest.

"What's your problem?" Jake asks, a mixture of anger and confusion filling his face.

Bells sighs, holding her hand up to Rose.

"Rose, it's okay."

I close my book and notice Jake sit in front of Bella and I.

Jake glances over to me and notices my irritability, before taking in Bella's appearance. We both looked horrific, our bodies not appropriately compatible with the foetus.

"You both look terrible," Jake mutters.

I roll my eyes, "yeah. It's nice to see you too."

His lips twitch up slightly, before frowning when he realises why he came here in the first place.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" He asks us.

I shake my head, reaching over to grab my bowl of whole grain rice. Emmett sees me reach out and instantly helps me, handing me the bowl.

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