Chapter 3

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Melody's PoV

After leaving Bella to locate her first class, I glance around looking at my map, trying to find my photography room.

I start walking forward, when I bump into someone.

Once again I fall on my ass.

"Again really. Today's not my day," I mutter to myself.

Suddenly I hear a voice.

"Are you okay?"

I look up and see the most beautiful person ever. She has short black hair, and was grinning widely. She was roughly the same height as me.

I give her a small smile, "I think I'll live."

"Here," she says reaching her hand out to me.

I take it instantly, feeling the cold emit from her body.

I stand up and brush myself off.

"I'm terribly sorry for walking into you, I wasn't looking where I was going," I apologise.

She laughs, "it's okay. It's my fault really. I walked into you."

I smile, "what's your name?"

She grins widely, "Alice. Alice Cullen."

"Cullen. As in Dr Cullen?" I ask.

She nods, "how did you know?"

I shrug, "my mum is starting a job at the hospital. She briefly mentioned that she would be working with a Dr Cullen, so I kinda just put two and two together."

She smiles.

"Oh, I forget to say what my name is," I say laughing, "Melody Peters, it's nice to meet you Alice."

"So, are you trying to find your first lesson?" She asks.

I nod, "yeah I have photography first."

She smiles, "so do I"

I look at her, "you do?"

She laughs, "yes, now let's go Dee, or we'll be late."

"Dee?" I ask confused.

She grins, "your new nickname, bestie."

I roll my eyes but go with it. Since I made my first friend.


We walk into photography, and Alice walks up to the teacher.

"Mrs Williams, this is Melody Peters. She is new here at Forks high," she announces.

"Yes, Miss Peters. Do you have your slip?" She asks.

I nod and hand it to her.

"Well since you seem to be friendly with Miss Cullen, why don't you go sit with her at the back bench," Mrs Williams says.

A Timeless Eternity 🎼 Edward CullenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt