Chapter 24

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Melody's PoV

"He asked you to marry him?" I question, staring at Bella in shock.

She blushes, "yes, he did."

"What did you say?" I ask curious.

Her face becomes flustered.

"I said yes," Bella states.

She then holds up her hand, which hand an engagement ring tightly stuck on her ring finger.

I gasp, my eyes widening, "no way!"

She smiles, laughing a little.

"I can't believe he actually asked me, you know since everything that has happened," Bella informs me.

"Bella, Ashton loves you, of course he's gonna want to marry you," I say.

"Well no doubt Edward is gonna ask you at some point," Bella retorts.

I shrug, "maybe, but at the moment we're taking things slowly. Since everything that happened to my parents. I'm struggling to adapt to my new home status."

She gives me a small smile, "Mels, you and I both know Edward would never push you to do anything, you wouldn't want to do."

I smile at her, "I know."

She then glances at my hand, noticing something glinting on my finger.

Her mouth opens, "did he?"

I shake my head, "it's a promise ring."

She smirks.

"To let me know that he's never gonna leave me ever again," I whisper to her.

"That's, that's beautiful," Bella replies.

I glance away from her and check the time. It was starting to get late.

"I should probably go, Esme will have cooked my dinner for me," I explain.

Bella nods, "I'll see you tomorrow at school."

I nod.

"You still picking me up in the morning with Ashton and Edward?" Bella asks me.

I smile, "of course I am."

She smiles, walking me towards the front door.

"Bye Charlie," I yell out.

I hear a faint response, as Bella giggles.

"Off you go," she says, ushering me out of the door as I grin at her.


I walk through the front door, hanging my coat up onto the hanger. I walk upstairs and reach the kitchen.

"Hey, Melody your just in time, I've cooked you a mushroom omelet," she informs me.

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