Chapter 51

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Melody's PoV

The next morning, I grab my coat and wrap it around my body. I walk over to Aubree, reaching out for her hand.

"C'mon Sweetie. It's time to go," I say, entwine her hand with my own.

She smiles as I drag her through the forest, back towards the Cullen residence. I spot Edward standing next to Carlilse talking, I speed up next to him and hug gently, as Aubree runs into her grandfather's embrace.

"When are we leaving?" I ask, noting Jake and Seth staring off into the distance.

Confused I turn around and see Sam Uley walking towards us.

He swiftly hands Carlisle a piece of paper, "Alice asked me to give you that. She and Jasper crossed our lands to the ocean last night."

My eyes widen slightly, "what?!"

Edward rubs my shoulder affectionately in attempt to keep me calm, luckily for him it worked.

I watch as Carlilse reads the note quickly, glancing up at all of us.

"They've left us," he states.

Rose steps forward, "Why?"

Carlilse shakes his head, "She didn't say."

I frown as Bella reaches out for the note, "Can I see that."

He nods and hands it over to her. I stand close by, reading the note to myself.

"Gather as many witnesses as you can before the snow sticks to the ground. That's when they'll come," I mutter under my breathe, catching Edward's worried glance.

Bells furrows her eyebrows at the paper, turning it over to see that it has been torn out of a book.

I sigh heavily, turning to my husband, "We need to get going. There's no time to dwell on this."

Edward nods, lifting Aubree up and placing her gently in our car, Seth sitting in the backseat next to her.

I hug Bella tightly, "We'll meet you there."

She nods, speeding to Ashton jumping into the passenger seat. I quickly copy her actions taking a seat next to Edward as he begins to drive away.

I wave goodbye to everyone as Edward speeds out of the driveway.


I sat next to Edward in the car, a quiet melody playing in the background while both Seth and Aubree slept peacefully.

"Edward," I whisper.

He hums in response.

"Why would they leave?" I ask confused.

He shrugs, "I'm not sure but Alice never does anything without having a specific reason for it. She'll have left a clue, and the person it's meant for will find it."

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