Chapter Twenty Three: He's WHAT?! Didn't See That One Coming... And The Deal

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I burst into the world of a boy band laughing. I glared at a red faced Nialler in the corner "BITCHES GET STITCHES!" I screamed, referring to the Blood On The Dance Floor song.

((Author's Note: I know, I know, i'm obsessed -.- I bet your saying, Two chapter's Caitlin?! Really?! Bet your cursing me now, eh? Oh well, my music choices, I don't judge anyone else's, don't judge mine. I hate people who do that! I mean, I'm not forcing you to listen to it so piss off! Then people go on and on about how shitty my music is, then they go play some shitty pop star song -.- No offence, but I fucking hate it when you play the song FORTY TIMES A FUCKING DAY! BUY SOME HEAD PHONES YOU BLOODY HIPPIE! .... no offence, once is fine, BUT MORE THAN FIVE, OUT LOUD, YOUR GOING TO GET A FACE FULL OF AN UN-USED MATH'S BOOK!! .... Now my rant is over, sorry bout that, some kid's at school our pissing me off -.- I like pop star's song's and all, but people at my school just put me off it most of the time ............ sorry if you read that and got offended, but someone had to say it, don't play your music out loud. Think of other's, thank you :) onto the ze story?...)

"Anna! Phone!" Paul walked into the room, just as I was sitting on Niall and coaring some honey in his hair alond with vegemite, don't go anywhere with out my vegemite. He had whisker's, a mono brow, a moustache, a beard, moles and some random drawing's I drew on his face. I covered his neck and arm's too... it was an awkward position I was in... got very, erm, awkward.

Paul looked at me in shock "Is this some exotic sex thing young people do these day's?"

"OH DEAR LORD!!!! NO! WELL, I DON'T THINK SO! OH DEAR OREO GOD! MY INNOCENT MIND! WHY PAUL, WHY?????" I crawled off Niall and latched onto Paul's leg's, like what Niall and I did to Liam to get my chip's, R.I.P bag of chip's I didn't get to eat because of Niall's cruel way's!

"................................ you are a strange one, aren't you?"

"I take pride in that" I stood up, brushing my clothes from imaginary pixie dust, the boy's laughing their head's off, silently though. Paul looked at me, then shook his head and handed my his phone, I gave him a questioning look "It's for you" he mouthed.

"I figured much" I shook my head and put the phone to my ear.

"Yellow? Narnia is ready for your chicken wing's, how may I help you?"


"That's my name, don't wear it out"

"Anna, it's uncle Si"

"Oh, hey uncle Si! How's it hanging?!"

"Anna, I need to talk to you, alone" I bit my lip, he seems pretty damn serious.

I nodded and walked out of the room, down the hall way and into the bath room. I locked it "What do you want, uncle Si?"

  "Anna, i'm sure your aware of the situation?"

"What situation?"

"The Louis and Eleanor situation"

"Oh, yeah! What about it?" I frowned, tracing my unicorn short's, just don't ask.

"I got off the phone with her manager, they said that she had to brake up with Louis. They want her to go out with someone else"

"WHAT?!" I screeched. if someone takes my mother fucking friend from my brother from another mother, their about to get beaten with a cow.... i'm talented.

"Yeah, I have-"




"I have made her a deal with my friend's company, their going to hire Eleanor, then she will be able to go back with Louis, but their is something they want in return..."

Kidnapped, By One DirectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora