Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

I looked up at the sky and I saw the moon peeking through the dense leaves. A slow, cold wind began swirling around us, shaking the leaves and letting more moon light seep in.

Es tempu.

And for the first time, I smiled when I heard her voice.

"It's time," I repeated.

I knelt down, both boys followed after me. I slowly unfolded the wool cloth and revealed the simple dagger that Gummy had given me. It was small, just about the length of my palm. Its hilt to its tip was made of silver, with a small crescent moon carved in the middle. It gleamed against the moonlight.

I took hold of the cool hilt with my right hand, positioning the sharp tip on top of the crystal that was in front of us. Liam and Louis placed their hand on top of mine.

I looked at both boys, searching for any hesitance or any sign of wanting to back out from this. The two of them just looked solemnly at me, eyes filled with determination and unwavering loyalty.

I took a deep breath.

There's no backing out now.

"Against the Northwaters, the Westwind, the Southfire, and the Eastearth," I started, my voice surprisingly clear and strong. "With the powers of the Moon Goddess imbued in my seer blood. I, Selene Brooks of Seralune, call upon the wolves of Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne to hereby banish all ties born or made to others of their kind."

The wind around us grew stronger, as if enveloping our little circle and letting us feel the Moon Goddess' presence and telling us that she was there with us. The crystal began emitting an ethereal glow that only made the dagger shine brighter.

"Mark this day as the moment of their eternal loyalty and servitude – death being the only punishment fit for betrayal," I continued. "Do you, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne, accept the conditions of this ritual?"

"Yes," Louis proudly answered.

"I do," Liam replied, determined.

"Let my blood be the seal to the oath made under the moonlight," I raised the dagger, their hands falling onto the crystal as I cut across my left palm, only feeling the cool dagger against my skin and not a single scratch of pain.

I closed my fist, and watched as drops of blood fell on Liam and Louis' hands. The drops of blood flowed on their skin, forming thin lines that seemed to form a shape. My unblinking eyes saw how my blood trickled along Louis' wrist, forming curves and lines just like how it was doing so on Liam's wrist as well.

I saw the red lines creep across their skin, until they took shape.


My blood on their skin seeped in and it was now permanently inked on their wrists. The moment it did, the same skulls appeared on either of my wrists, glowing for a couple of seconds until disappearing altogether.

The wind swirled once more, murmuring the finality of our ritual, "Factu es."

"It is done," I repeated, finally blinking as I looked at my two werewolves. I didn't notice that I was heavily breathing. I slumped back, feeling the toll this ritual had made on my body. Louis was next to me in less than a second, catching me before I hit my head on the forest ground.

"You okay, Elle?" he asked.

I nodded, still gripping the dagger. I felt Liam carefully take my wounded hand and he wrapped a bandage he had ready around it.

"Thanks, Li," I said as he finished tying it up. I sat properly and waited until my breathing was back to normal. I placed the dagger on top of the cloth and saw that both boys were staring at their wrists.

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