70 [New Addition]

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70 [New Addition]
Description: You go into labour on Christmas day and Lewis gets excited.
author's note: I like this one, I think it's so cute! Just a quick disclaimer that I know absolutely nothing about labour, pregnancies, etc, so I apologise in advance if I have got anything wrong!

• • •

Lewis sat on the floor in front of me, handing out presents one by one to his family members, while I sat on the sofa, hands perched on my ever-growing stomach. It was coming up to the due date of our bundle of joy and I was beyond excited, but I just wanted this baby out of me now.

As Lewis handed out a present to his mum, I felt a dull pain in my lower back. I placed my hand on my back and shifted uncomfortably on the sofa. Lewis raised an eyebrow at me and sat next to me while his mum opened one of the many presents we got her. "Are you okay?" he asked, kissing my temple.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little back pain," I smiled at him. "It should be gone soon."

"Hopefully, the little one will be out soon and he or she can stop causing you pain," Lewis mumbled against my shoulder. Lewis and I had decided to keep the baby's gender a surprise so none of us had no idea what it would be. The nursery was painted in a neutral colour, along with any baby clothes that we had bought.

"Thanks for the present Y/N," Lewis' mum grinned. "It's lovely."

"You're more than welcome," I smiled at my mother-in-law. I winced, the lower back pain getting more prominent. Deciding to get a glass of water, hoping it would ease the pain, I stood up. "I'm just going to get some water."

"Do you need me to come with you?" Lewis asked and I smiled at his cute little face. It had seemed that since becoming pregnant, Lewis had been very overprotective of me and the baby. I wasn't complaining, it was cute, but I sometimes need a bit of space.

"Give the woman some space, boy," his dad said, laughing.

"I'll be fine, Lewis," I told him. I walked, well waddled, into the kitchen to get some water, in hopes that the pain would subside instead of getting worse. I reached up into the cupboard to get a glass, this time feeling a shooting pain in my lower abdomen. Breathing through it, hoping it was just pre-contractions, I carried on and turned on the tap, filling my glass halfway. I turned the tap off once my glass was full and stood by the sink hoping that these pains would pass. I looked at the clock, timing how long each wave of pain was and seeing how long it was.

That's when I knew I was in labour.

"Are you okay?" I heard Lewis ask as he walked into the kitchen. I put on a poker face as I took a sip of my water. Lewis grabbed some drinks out of the fridge before he looked up at me. "You've been out here a while."

"I'm fine, just taking a breather," I smiled forcefully. I hated hospitals and would avoid them as much as possible, which was probably why I was putting off telling Lewis until the last minute.

"Alright, take as long as you need," Lewis smiled at me lovingly as he walked back out and towards the living room.

I faced the sink and finished my water. Deciding to go back into the living room as the contractions had disappeared, I placed my glass in the sink. As I was walking back, I felt another pain rush through me. I also felt a gush of water come from between my legs and my eyes widened as I realised that my waters had just broken. I was definitely in labour.

"Lewis!" I called, trying to control my breathing. A couple of minutes later, Lewis walked out, his eyes widening the minute he saw me hunched over.

"What's going on? Are you alright?" he asked as if it wasn't already obvious.

"What does it bloody look like, Lewis? I'm in labour!" I snapped.

"Mum!" he yelled and she came rushing out, already grasping what was going on. Mother knows best. "Y/N's just gone into labour, what do I do?"

"Okay, you'll need her maternity bag, a car seat for the baby," she began ticking off all the things we would need just as another pain rushed through me. Lewis rushed upstairs to get the things we would need as my mother-in-law put a coat on me. "Do you want us to go with you or stay here?"

"I'd prefer to have you there because Lewis is being a bit dopey," I laughed, trying to bring some light to the situation. I took a deep breath, holding on to for support.

"Hey, I heard that!" Lewis replied, rushing down the stairs with everything in his hands.

• • •

A couple of hours later after the birth and it was just me in the room with mine and Lewis' newborn son, Alexander, or Alex for short. Lewis' parents went home and Lewis left to go and get some food as I hadn't had anything since breakfast. I stared at the bundle of joy in my arms, Alex's tiny hand wrapped around my pinkie finger. He was perfect.

The door opened and Lewis walked in with Freya and Josh. "Hi," Freya whispered. "How are you?"

"Tired but finally happy he's out of me," I laughed.

Freya walked over and had a proper look at him. "Oh, he's gorgeous, Y/N!" She gushed.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked.

"Can I?" She asked and I nodded. Freya took a seat next to my temporary bed. I put Alex in her arms and adjusted myself on the bed.

Lewis handed me a sandwich with a couple of snacks and a drink. "Is that alright?" He asked.

"It's perfect, thank you," I smiled, tucking in.

"How was labour?" Freya asked as Josh sat beside her, talking to Gabe.

"Painful. I'm surprised Lewis' hand didn't break considering how hard I was squeezing it," I laughed.

• • •

After a little while, Freya and Josh went home as it was still Christmas day. Lewis and I were squeezed on the little hospital bed, looking at Alex in awe. Alex was in Lewis' arms, fast asleep. "We're finally parents Lewis. I never thought this day would come."

I put my head on Lewis' shoulder, as baby Alex held my pinky finger with his hand.

"Thank you for giving me the best Christmas present I could ever receive," Lewis smiled placing a kiss on my lips.

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