32 [Thunderstorms]

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32 [Thunderstorms]
Description: Everyone knows that your greatest fear is thunderstorms. When a thunderstorm happens, Lewis can't be there to look after you so he texts you to make sure you're okay. However, when you don't answer, Lewis gets worried and eventually comes home to comfort you.
Author's Note: Just a short little one that I thought of from the thunderstorm that happened here in London the other day. On the other hand though... I met Shawn Mendes today and it's safe to say that I am officially dead, I love him so much! Anyway, hope you enjoy this short little imagine guys :)

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The anxiety and fear bubbled up in your chest as another strike of thunder was heard, shaking the house that you shared with your boyfriend, Lewis Redman. He knew you were petrified of thunderstorms but because he got held up at work, he, unfortunately, couldn't be there to calm you down. You were sitting on the sofa, the curtains closed and the TV turned up so you couldn't hear the loud booms echo throughout the house. You were underneath a blanket, shaking with fear.

As the hours went on, the thunderstorm kept getting louder (if that was even possible) and you were getting more scared by the second. Unbeknown to you, your phone had been going crazy with missed phone calls and messages from Lewis, his worrying now affecting his work. He knew that this was your biggest fear and has seen you at your worst.

You have been scared of storms ever since you were young, something that was passed down from your mum as she was also terrified of storms, too. As well as being scared of thunderstorms, another fear you had was the dark; it was fine when you were asleep and had Lewis with you but it was your biggest fear when you were alone.

The television shut off, making you peek out from behind the blanket, wondering why it had gone silent. Then you realised that all the lights had also switched off, too. Great, you thought, a power cut was just what you needed. Not. Another boom echoed throughout the house, making the windows shake so hard you thought the glass was going to shatter.

Tears streamed down your face, realising how bad you wanted Lewis to be here with you.

You slowly reached over and grabbed your phone, finally noticing the endless amounts of missed calls and messages from Lewis. The last message sent ten minutes ago, was that he was coming home, scared because you weren't replying.

You heard the keys jingle in the lock, a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders. Lewis walked through the door, the flashlight of his phone on so he could see.

"Iʼm here now, baby," he cooed into you, rocking you back and forth which immediately calmed you down.

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