56 [The Coppa Club]

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56 [The Coppa Club]
Description: your friends take you to the coppa club for your birthday and you end up bumping into Lewis and spilling your drink over your shirt.
Author's Note: this is based briefly off of Freya's vlog where she went to the coppa club. Also, I will be updating every day of December with Christmas-sy themed imagines in the lead up to Christmas so look out for them! ♡

• • •

Walking down the cold streets of London, I sighed heavily. My older sister, Danielle and two of my best friends, Jasmine and Chloe, decided to take me out for my birthday but they wouldn't tell me where.

"When are we going to be there? I'm cold and my feet hurt," I whined.

"We're here," Chloe told me as we came to a stop outside the Coppa Club along the Thames.

My jaw dropped as Danielle spoke to the waiter. "How did you know I wanted to go here?"

"You've been going on about it non-stop since they brought out the popup igloos," Jasmine laughed as all four of us followed the waiter inside, while they set up our pod. "So we thought, seeing as your birthday is near Christmas, we'll take you here for your birthday!"

"Would you like any drinks while you're waiting?" The waiter asked.

We ordered a drink each and while we waited for our table to be ready, we had a good catch up as we hadn't seen each other in a while.

• • •

As we followed the waiter to our table, I realised I left my jacket. "Hey guys, I'll meet you outside. I forgot my jacket." I told them and the girls nodded.

I walked back to where we were previously sitting and picked up my jacket. I placed my drink down on the table to put my jacket on. Once my jacket was on, I picked up my drink and headed towards our table.

As I turned to go outside, I hit into someone, causing my drink to splash all over my new shirt. I cursed under my breath, grabbing some tissues from the table beside me.

"I'm so sorry!" I heard a male voice say.  I looked up and was met with a pair of brown eyes.

"It's okay," I told the mystery guy as I dabbed on my shirt. Luckily, you couldn't see a stain, so I just brushed it off.

"I feel really bad; it's your birthday as well," he said. How did he know? I must've looked confused as to how he knew because he pointed to the birthday badge that was attached to my jacket. "You have a badge on."

"Oh, I forgot I had that on," I laughed along with him. "I'm Y/N."

"Lewis," he smiled, shaking my hand. "I'd love to stay and chat but I have friends to meet."

"Oh yeah, of course-"

Chloe appeared from around the corner. "Y/N, are you coming? We're waiting for you before we order."

"Yeah, I'm coming," I told her. "It was nice meeting you, Lewis."

"You too, Y/N."

I went over to Chloe who was waiting for me. "Ooh, who was that fine specimen?"

I laughed. "His name's Lewis. I accidentally bumped into him and spilt my drink over myself."

"Only you would manage to do that," Chloe laughed. She opened the door to the igloo and we walked in together.

"What was taking you so long?" Danielle asked.

"She met a guy," Chloe teased. Questions from Danielle and Jasmine were thrown at me as I sat down.

"Calm down, I just bumped into him. Nothing is going to happen," I told them, putting emphasis on 'nothing'.

• • •

"You all ready to go?" I asked as we finished our food.

"Yeah, I just need to go to the toilet," Jasmine said, as Chloe agreed.

The two of them walked off in the directions of the toilets while Danielle and I waited outside. "Have you enjoyed your birthday, Y/N/N?" She asked.

"Yes, thank you," I smiled at my older sister.

A group of people were walking towards us, so we moved out of the way so they could get by. "Hi, Y/N!" One of them said. It was Lewis.

"Oh, hiya!" I grinned.

"Have you enjoyed your birthday?" He asked kindly.

"Yes thank you, did you enjoy yourself?" I responded.

"Yeah, thank you," he smiled, then he started to look nervous. "Um, I was going to as if I can have your number?"

"Of course," I smiled at him. He handed me his phone and I typed my phone number into his contacts.

"Thanks, I'll text you later," he grinned as he ran off to his friends excitedly.

"Was that the guy you bumped into earlier?" Danielle asked. I nodded. "He's cute."

"I know," I beamed, watching him walk away with his friends.

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