She is mad

438 13 2

Cole's POV

~Flashback a few years ago~

"Cole!" Will yelled at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You've been really spacey lately." He says.

"Yeah sorry I have been thinking about my friend." I say.

"Oh is that girl you have been friends with since forever." He asked.

"Yeah she and I havent talked in awhile she well is kinda mad at me." I tell him.

Just the Dalton, Gabe, and Dana walked in.

"Who's mad at you?" Dalton asked.

"I heard a girl is mad at him." Dana says.

"Cassidy? Why?" Gabe asks.

"No not Cassidy we broke up last week. Someone else." I say.

"Wait you and Cassidy broke up? Since last week why didnt you tell us? Dalton asked.

"Yeah we did. She broke up with me cause she likes someone else. I didnt tell you cause I have other things to worry about." I say.

"Oh well whats this about other girl?" Dana asked.

"Yeah what about this other girl?" Gabe questioned.

"Oh that would be his friend from back home she is mad at him an he was about to tell me why." Will says.

"She is mad at me because I used to be enemies with her new boyfriend so she isnt speaking to me." I tell them.

~End of Flash back~

I looked into her eyes and her lips came to mine again. Does she remember or not?

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