Seeing Lies

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Dalton's POV

Things with Hayden were great. The only problem was that Cole is extremely jealous. He always gives me dirty looks. We I got to the rehearsals I saw the guys warming up. Cole wasnt here yet. I start warming up with the boys when Cole walked in, but he wasnt alone.

"HAYDEN!!" I yell and give her a hug.

"Hey." She say.

Cole just walked away from us.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Oh Im not stay I just came to say Hi. I have to do some errands." She says.

She then said hi to the others and left.

Cole looked at me with a dirty look.

"Cole, Would you please stop it." I say.

"Stop what?" He asks.

"Looking at me like you want to kill me." I say.

"No I think. Im good." He says.

(2weeks later)

Cole's POV

I was out for a walk when I saw it. Dalton was kissing another girl. Wait it was his ex Madison. I took pictures of it. I had to tell Hayden about this. I looked up one last time. Dalton then saw me. He got up and came over to me.

"Cole it isnt what it looks like." He says.

"It looks like your cheating on Hayden." I say.

He didnt reply. I walked away from him. Once I got back to my house I was going to tell Hayden. I saw her sitting there on the couch. I looked at her she had the necklace on that Dalton had given her. Then I realized that I couldnt hurt her. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Dalton.

"You arnt going to tell her are you?" He asks.

"No! Im not going to do that to her, but if anyone should tell her it should be you." I say walking inside.

I just headed up to my room and I saw that Dalton had left. He must of not told her. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Hayden. She looked very upset. I pulled her into a hug as she cried on my chest.

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