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I went to rehearsals with Cole. Jenny would never say that Cole used to love her. Even she knew that he never did. Also Jenny wouldnt say until that Slut got the best of you. Because Jenny knows how long me and Cole have been friends. This is the work of a Jealous Bitch. Cassidy. I know that now. She cant take Cole away from me, but she could be right. Cole could have loved her. Maybe I should have just told Cole right away instead of Dalton. It made him question my feelings for him and gave Cassidy a reason to say that I never loved Cole. Now Im jealous. I dont want her to come here and ruin Cole and my life.

"Hayden? You ok?" Dalton asked.

"Yeah just fine. Cole knows about the texts now." I tell him.

"Ok does he know that you dont think its Jenny?" He asked.

"No. I think its her now." I lied.

"Good now you can confront her." He says.

"Just like you Dalton. I dont want her anywhere near Jenny till we put a stop to her." Cole says jealously.

"Cole Im helping her too. So I cant just let her do this alone." Dalton says.

"She wont be alone. Im helping her." Cole says.

"Look Cole she came to me first there was a reason for that she trusts me." Dalton argued back.

"That maybe so, but I know her better then you. Ive been her friend forever. She is my girlfriend. So I will help her." Cole argued back.

"Well that maybe all true, but why did she come to me for help? She maybe your girlfriend, but Cole you should know that the love between us maybe lost, but there is a strong feeling that draws us to each other. That not even you can break." Dalton says.

That made Cole not mad but sad. He looked right at me. He knew that it was true. There was something that Dalton and I had that even Cole couldnt break.

"Cole? Babe you ok?" I asked.

"Its true. Its so true. There is something that you two have that I cant break. You see this is why I want you way from him. I know that I cant break that connection you two have, but I also cant lose the love you give me." Cole says to me.

"Look so what if thats true. An unbreakable bound between Dalton and me. There is a strong bound between us. Its stronger because you and I have our friendship bound that no one can ever break. Plus the Love we have that bound is also unbreakable, but Cole that is two strong unbreakable bounds that will never break. So what if there is one with Dalton. There is two with you which means even though you cant break whatever it is with Dalton. You dont have to because no matter how strong that is. What we have is way stronger." I say to him.

Cole smiled at what I said. He knew I was right, but what I hope and what Cole hopes too is how strong is that unbreakable bound with Dalton.

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