Think hard

853 14 4

Cole's POV

I looked over at Hayden who was spaced out. I wonder what she was thinking about.


(3rd grade)

I sat in my class. I was drawing a picture of a dragon on my paper. I wanted class to be over. I was having a play date with my best friend.

"Hey Cole." Jenny a girl in class says.

"Hi Jenny." I say to her.

"After school wanna come over and play?" She asked.

"No thank you." I say.

"But why? Its friday." She says.

"Im already going over to Hayden's house for. We always go over to her house on friday." I tell her.

"Why? Hayden's a weirdo." Jenny says.

"Hayden is my best friend. I would never choose anyone over her." I tell Jenny.

~End of Flashback~

I still wouldnt choose anyone over Hayden. Now that I know that she is in love with me and its true.

"Where here." I say breaking the silence.

I get out. I look over at Hayden. She just smiled at me. I love her smile. I always have. She walked over to my and I grabbed her hand. We walk into the arcade.

"OMG Will was right they are a thing." I heard Dana say.

"Yep now pay up." Dalton says.

Gabe and Dana put 20 bucks in his hand.

"Really Dalton you bet." Hayden says to him.

"Yes I do." He says.

I really hope their first love feeling is gone. I love her so much. I sat down on a chair. Before Hayden sits I pull her on my lap.

"Oh god please no." Gabe says.

"Wow just a few hours of dating and they already cant stand us." I say.


"Ready or not here I come." I yell.

No answer.

"Hayden come on." I say.

Still nothing. I the next thing I knew I was on the ground.

"HAYDEN GET OFF." I yell at her.

She got off me.

"I win again." She says sticking out her tongue.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." I say.

"Hey Cole can I ask you something?" She says.

"Sure." I say.

"I know we are 7 but I wanna know how it would feel to be in love." She says.

"I dont know. I think that if one day we do fall in love its with someone special." I tell her.

"Do you have anyone special that you hope to fall in love with?" She asked.

"Not yet, but one day I will and if its you. I would be the luckiest guy ever." I say to her.

"Wow thanks Cole now lets play tag." She says and pushes me.

"Hayden get back here." I yell.

~End of Flashback~

I guess I am the luckiest guy ever. I have her.

"Cole you ok?" She says.

She's so cute when she worried.

"Yeah just fine." I say.

"Ok you just zoned out." She says

I pull her into a kiss. She never pulls away now not even when her ex is watching. Everything I kiss her its like fireworks are going off.

"Get a room." Gabe says.

We dont what he says.

"Gosh swallow her whole why dont ya." Dalton adds.

That still doesnt break out kiss.

"This is very disturbing." Dana says.

Wow that came from Dana. The king of disturbing things.

"I've lost my appetite." Will says.

Thats when we pulled apart. We all looked over at Will. Who just laughed and kept on eating pizza.

Hayden's POV

Will is weird. I know its mean but I mean he is weird but everyone loves him that way.


(When Cole said he was leaving)

~never mind I dont wanna think about that

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