I might go

901 14 1

Hayden's POV

There are more things I have to achieve. I already did one. I finally realized that its be Cole all along. He wont hurt me. Im going to London to get the truth from my mother. Im still scared of my father and exes in my life so Im going to my mom and I know she will tell me everything. I know she wanted me but my father said otherwise. I didnt wake up Cole I let him sleep. I started packing.

"Hayden what are you doing?" Cole says in a sleepy voice.

"Nothing just...." I say.

I cant lie to him. He is my best friend. Also he is my boyfriend I dont wanna lie.

"Hayden whats up? Tell me." He says coming over to me.

"Im going to visit my mom." I tell him.

"What? Why?" He says.

"Keyword visit. I'll be back. I just have to do something over there." I say.

"You cant leave again. I want you to stay." He says.

"I know. I wont be gone long. I promise." I say hugging him.

"You cant go. You have to stay with me. Hayden, I Love You." He says.

"I love you too, but I have to do this." I tell him.

"Please stay go another time." He says.

I looked right into those eyes the ones that I fell for.

"Fine I'll stay, but when its time for me to go see my mom you cant stop me." I tell him.

"Ok deal." He says.

He pulled me close and kisses me. I kiss back. Kissing Cole was like no other. I love him. It isnt fake like with Dalton or Connor. Yes Dalton was right. It also didnt feel like when I thought I loved Dalton at first. Cole was different. When our lips connect its like we are the only two people in the world.

"Finally." A voice says.

Me and Cole pull apart and Will was in the doorway.

"What are you doing here?" Cole asked

"Just wanted to know if you two want to go out to lunch?" He asked.

"Sure why not." Cole says.

"Ok meet us at the arcade and pizza place." Will says leaving.

"This should be interesting." I say.

"Yep very." Cole says.

He kisses me again. We pull apart again cause we hear Will yell.


Oh Will was my only thought right then. Cole went to get dressed and I got ready. He came into my room and grabs my hand and led me downstairs. We got to his car and the day me and Cole became best friends flashed into my mind.

~ Flashback~

"Hayden dont cry. Please." My mom says as she drives me to school.

"Mommy I dont wanna go!" I cried out.

"Hayden your a big girl now. Its time to go off to 1st grade." My dad says.

"Please dont make me." I say.

We finally got to school. I was still crying. I havent been to a real school yet. My mom had kept me at home. Since my dad was a teacher he thought me Kindergarden work. Im ready for first grade.

"Ok honey out of the car. We will see you later." My mom says.

My dad helped me out. He whipped my tears away.

"Now go on honey." He says.

I give them both one big hug each and ran inside. I got to my class. It was much bigger than I thought.

"Im Miss. Rivers and I'll be your teacher." Miss Rivers says.

The class was slow. It was finally recesses time. These boys who were in my class dumped sand in my hair. These girls in my class pushed me down so the boys can put sand in my hair. Why am I so easily picked ok it isnt fair.

"Stop! Please!" I say starting to cry.

"No way." This boy says.

"Leave her alone." This kid says.

Everyone stop as the boy came over to me.

"Here come with me lets play somewhere else." The boy says holding out his hand.

He helped me up and we walked away.

"Thank you." I tell him.

"Your welcome." He says.

"Im Hayden." I tell him.

"Im Cole." He tells me.

"Well its nice to meet you." I say to him.

"You too. Hey I have an idea." He says.

"What? Is it?" I ask.

"Lets be best friends forever." He says.

"Ok best friends." I say.

~End of Flashback~

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