Why Lie

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Hayden's POV

I know running from my problems again. I cant speak to him. He is a complete lie.

"Hayden!" I heard someone yell.

"Hayden!" Another voice yelled.

I hid so they couldnt see me. I saw a figure go near them.

"Cole, you and your friend here should listen to me. I never hurt my Ex-Wife and I never hurt my daughter." My dad says.

"But Hayden said." Cole says.

"Look Cole you know me. I would never hurt my little girl." He says stepping near Cole.

"Cole get away from him." I yell.

"Hayden please? Listen?" My dad begged.

"Why should I. You rapped me. You abused me. You sexually abused me. You through my mother out say that if she tried to get me you would kill me. You want me to listen to you. That not ok with me. You have done so much that hurt me. You cant do this. You begged for my forgiveness but you cant have it." I scream at him.

"Hayden. Thats not true. I never did any of that stuff to you or your mother." He says.

"Why lie? You did. Even if you were on drugs. You did all that." I yell.

"Hayden, calm down." Cole says.

"Sweetheart please. There is something you should know. I was in rehab in Maine for alcohol problems. When everything started. I was let out around a month ago. I was put in before your mother left. That man who did everything to you. He wasnt me. It was my twin brother." He says.

"You have a twin brother?" I asked.

"Yeah I try not to mention him. He is a complete monster. He was the one to help me get help. He tricked me to ruin my life. He did this because he wanted me to suffer. He wanted me to feel pain. I did once I say you. I didnt know what he did to you, and Pumpkin I would never hurt you. I've never done drugs in my life. Then I called Ryan and he told me you mother had passed and that you were in LA. Hayden I just want you to know that what my brother did was bad. He wanted me to hurt. Now I do. The girl I fell in love with divorced me. Now she is dead and I never got to tell her. She might have not forgiven me. I also hurt because he made me look like an asshole to my own daughter. He made you hate me. I might not have got your mother back, but baby please I want you to forgive me. I never wanted to see you so scared of me. Im really sorry I couldnt stop him." My dad says.

My eyes filled with tears. I now know the real truth. I thought about it. What he said did make scenes. My father was always nice and sweet to his only daughter/ only child. I looked up at him he had tears streaming down his face. I ran over to him and hugged him.

"I believe you." I whisper to him.

"Thank you baby doll." He says.

He whips my tears away just like when I was little.

"Well I better go. I have to fine a decent price hotel to stay at. Dont worry I will make up for lost time." He says.

"Hey why dont you come home with us. My mom is still in Texas." Cole offers.

My father nodded. Him and Cole walked to Cole's car.

"I will get a ride from them, I think Im going to tell them both. My dad is smart and your right Cole does deserves to know." I say to Dalton and walk away.

We finally got back.

"Here Mr. Smith you can stay in my room." Cole says.

"Two things. One call me Andrew, and two where will you sleep?" My dad asked.

Then he looked at me and Cole an saw his arms around my waist.

"Never mind I think I know where. Just use protection." He says.

"Dad!" I yell at him.

He just laughs along with Cole. I walked out of the room Cole attached his lips to mine. We I love kissing this dork but I need to tell him. Hey whats one more night. I think as Cole's and my clothes are coming off and coming off fast.

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