(B) Chapter Ten: Carefree King

Start from the beginning

Sakura: It's rather strange that it's so quiet here... The Izumite king is known far and wide for his lavish parties and festive outlook on life. Izumo is a country of fun in a way, even if it's also known for its close connection with the spirits of the dragon gods of old... I came here a few times on diplomatic visits with Mother... It's never been so empty...

Kaze: Even if it is empty, we can be glad that Izumo is regularly neutral in battle. We shouldn't have to face any sort of battle while here. 

Hinoka: Come on, let's look around. It's strange that there's no one around. Do you think the Nohrians have already arrived?

Corrin: I don't know... 

Sakura: Something is wrong. We need to see what's going on around here. 

(The four begin to explore the Izumite palace. Scene transitions to a few minutes later following the search. Corrin, Sakura, and Kaze are all gathered together)

Corrin: I didn't see anything...

Sakura: There weren't any bodies though... That's good... It looks like no battle has taken place...

(A large blast of fire appears and nearly hits Sakura. Kaze jumps in front of her and blocks the attack)

Sakura: Ah-!

Kaze: Lady Sakura, are you alright? 

Sakura: I-I'm fine... What was that?

Iago: It was just me. 

(Iago appears onscreen)

Corrin: Iago!

Sakura: Huh? Who is that?

Corrin: I don't know much about him, but he seems to be the tactician of King Garon back in Nohr. 

Iago: They don't need to know anything about me, you little brat, and neither do you! King Garon has sent me to claim the life of the traitor who left behind Nohr for the enemy. I'll never understand you. We raised you, and you still turn back and decide to destroy us?

Corrin: I cannot forgive your country's crimes against Hoshido! My choice was the right one!

Iago: Keep telling yourself that... It matters not. Your life will be ended here!

(The battle begins. Unlike the chapter in the game, your playable units start at the very top of the map where Zola is in the original design. The objective is to break through at the bottom where Oboro, Hinoka, and Hinata enter with Corrin. Iago is positioned in the middle where the playable units begin in the official chapter, though he is locked in. He does not move and is very high level, unable to be attacked due to his position. Note: Hinoka cannot be deployed at the start of the map. At the start of turn two, Oboro and Hinata appear at the bottom of the screen with Hinoka. All of them are automatically playable)

Hinoka: It looks like the place wasn't as deserted as we thought...

Oboro: I'm glad that we found you before things could go too far south, Lady Hinoka! 

Hinata: It's a shame we didn't have any luck in locating Lord Takumi...

Hinoka: What happened to Takumi? Is he okay?

Oboro: We can explain later. For now, it's time to deal with this Nohrian scum!

(Corrin talks to Oboro)

Oboro: Ah! You must be Lord Corrin, yes? 

Corrin: Yes, I am. How did you know?

Oboro: I've heard about you from Lord Takumi and Lady Hinoka. I'm your brother's retainer. My name is Oboro.

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