Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"All done," China said as she unplugged the straightener. I was standing in front of her in the bathroom as she ran a comb gingerly through my hair. When she was done combing, she put the comb down on the counter and put her hands on my shoulder.

I smiled at her as we stared at each other through the bathroom mirror. "Yesssss! Stiff where," I yelled as I leaned back and swayed my neck back and forth.

China giggled as she copied my neck gestures. "Shake, b-tch," she encouraged. But then quickly put her hand on the back of my neck. "But don't shake too much, hoe. Don't f-ck up my work."

With a smile, I pulled her into a hug. "Thanks for doing my hair. You know, I could've done it, but I don't trust myself to not f-ck it up on such an important night," I said.

"No worries. It's just like old times. Remember when I always did your hair on picture day, even when were kids?"

"Momma would always say that I'm too "tender headed." "Get your little friend to do it. Where's Chy," she would always yell," I said with a cackle.

"Sis, your momma is something else."

"Don't get me started. I love her with all my heart, but that woman is so damn extra." I stepped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom area. Sasha and Kali were laying down on my bed, talking and controlling the music that was flowing through my apartment. When Sasha saw me walk back into the bathroom, she instantly sat up straight and let out an ear-piercing scream. "Speaking of extra..."

"Oh my God, Lani, you look so freaking good! China did so good with your hair and oh my God...the outfit." Sasha brought her hand to my leather jacket and she glazed her palm against the material.

Kali got up as well and stood beside Sasha, but unlike Sasha, Kali had a skeptical look on her face. I straightened out my jacket subconsciously and furrowed my eyebrows at her. "Why are you looking at me like that," I asked her.

"Nothing, you look good," she said flatly.

"Um...okay," I replied just as flat.

"I just think it might be too revealing," Kali admitted with a shrug. "Do you think Tristan would be cool with this?"

I laughed in her face. I wasn't even wearing anything too revealing. I was wearing all black tonight: a leather jacket with a turtleneck underneath and a skirt. What was wrong with that? I blew my lips at her and crossed my arms. "I'm not even dressed revealing."

"B-tch, you're wearing a mini-skirt," Kali responded as she pointed towards my skirt that went way above my knees. In my defense, I was also wearing thigh-high stilettos so it's not like anything was going too uncovered.

"Girl, why are you worried about how I'm dressed? Just because I'm dating someone doesn't mean I can't be cute and show some damn thigh meat," I said as I dramatically flipped my hair, something I knew I would be doing all damn night since it was so fun with straight hair.

"You don't think it's weird? You're going to a party with Romeo. You two f-cked multiple times. Does she know he's escorting you," Kali continued to hound me.

"Romeo's my friend. Tristan knows this. She wouldn't give a f-ck, so there's no need to ask. She knows that I love her and I would never do anything with Romeo again. I don't see him in a romantic way or even a sexual way anymore. We're just f-cking friends. Now, can you get the f-ck off my d-ck?!" I grabbed my clutch off the bed and threw the comb China gave me into it.

"Kali, don't get her riled up. Let the girl have a good time," China said before the argument could escalate.

"Yeah, Kali, I bet Tristan trusts Leilani loads. Plus, look at Leilani's neck. She's rocking Tristan's initials," Sasha pointed out. "She loves the girl."

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