(B) Chapter Eight: Tragic Start

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Corrin: I see... I had never heard of Aulane. I only ever knew of Nohr and Hoshido since I lived in Nohr and heard about the conflicts with Hoshido daily.

Sakura: We can gladly tell you about the other kingdoms as we grow nearer to them. There are nine nations on Pheuyura in total.

Corrin: I really appreciate the help, Sakura.

Sakura: My pleasure...

(The roar of Faceless is heard in the distance)

Corrin: Did you hear that? It sounds like a Faceless!

(The group runs towards the source of the sound. They see a town being ravaged by Faceless. Mozu and her mother are among those in the village. Mozu's mother falls to the ground after tripping over the body of another villager)

Old Woman: Run, Mozu! Please, run and don't look back!

Mozu: Mother, no! Take my hand! We can escape together!

(A Faceless attacks Mozu's mother)

Mozu: No! Mother!

(Corrin and company arrive on the scene)

(If Corrin is male)

Felicia: This place has been completely destroyed!

(If Corrin is female)

Jakob: This town has been ravaged by the Faceless.

(Both options converge here)

Corrin: There must be some survivors! Come on! Let's start searching!

(The battle begins)

Mozu: Mother... My village... Everyone is dead... I have nowhere to go...! And the monsters! They're coming back for me!

(Corrin interacts with Mozu)

Corrin: Are you alright?

Mozu: My mother... My friends...

Corrin: I'm here to help. Where are they?

Mozu: Mother wouldn't take my hand... She's...

Corrin: I'm so sorry... Stay behind me. I'll keep you safe.

Mozu: I have to fight! For Mother! For everything those monsters took from me!

(After battle if Mozu is recruited by Corrin or survives paralogue)

Corrin: We've finished off the last of the Faceless.

Mozu: What do I do...? They took my mother, my friends... Everything...

Corrin: You must have some family near here. We'll be glad to take you there.

Mozu: There's no one... I couldn't even start over here by myself. All the homes, fields... It's all been destroyed. I wouldn't want to stay here even if it wasn't. Everyone I called family is dead...

Corrin: What's your name?

Mozu: I-I'm Mozu...

Corrin: Listen, Mozu... We'll be glad to take you in. We can't replace those you've lost, but we'll take care of you.

Mozu: I can join you?

Corrin: Yes, but only until we find a safe place to call home. Our group is bound by a dangerous cause. We go from one battle to the next, ever in peril. That's no life for you. We're trying to fight back against the Nohrians who sent the Faceless here in the first place.

Mozu: I'm not afraid. I want to help. I need to keep your family safe for those who died here today.

Corrin: Of course. Welcome to the party, Mozu. We're glad to have you.

(If Mozu is dead)

Corrin: We killed all of the Faceless, but the whole village... And that girl...

(If Corrin is male)

Felicia: We did our best..

(If Corrin is female)

Jakob: We did all we could.

(Both options converge here)

Corrin: I suppose you're right... At least we stopped those abominations. We need to leave... Hinoka will need our help...


I added in a few sections at the beginning since this chapter is generally short. Originally, it wasn't story oriented, so I needed to weave it in on my own. I feel like I did a good job at it.

We will be seeing more of Mikoto later on. She didn't die immediately, so she has a chance for more screen time. It's just a matter of time before she pops up again.

Also, you probably noticed that I mentioned a nation known as Aulane. I added that one to the continent. I mentioned that it was up at the northern edge of Pheuyura. Normally, the Flame Tribe is found near the Hoshidan border, but this continent is structured differently from the game. I added a rough sketch of this map on the first chapter in case you want to check it out.

Until then, I'll see you all later! I hope you enjoyed!


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