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2,000 years ago, Earth's planet collided with a planet known as Deriqal (Dur-e- cool) . The collision created a new world. The new world, which was named Zila, still had fragments of each previous planet. But the majority of the new planet was completely new territory.

The Deriqal people had what humans call magic. Deriqal people looked just like humans and were similar in everything but they were able to create and use magic. Many of the Deriqal people lost their power due to the collision, others to the new environment, and others to the lack of using their gifts. And when they lost their magic, it was lost to their linages, aswell. The few that still had magic and were able to past it on to their children and kept the cycle going were called magic holders. Though, the parts of Deriqal were still strong on Zila, there was only a number left who still had magic.

Quilix, the king of Deriqal- when the collision happened, saw the sudden decrease of magic holders and prophesied that a girl born from his linage would be able to restore magic to the lost families of Deriqal and restore the planets.

A/N: This is my first book, so I would like any feedback that would help me make this story better! Please tell me if anything doesn't make sense so I can fix it. Thank you for reading!!!!! Hope you enjoy!!! :)

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