Chapter 2

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"Hey I'm heading to Grannies house if you want to come" my sister Grace says peaking her head around my bedroom door.

"No I'm good" I say rolling over in bed.
I hear her walk off and I sit up grabbing my phone from the bedside table.

I message Will

'hey, I'm just messaging to say that I'm gonna unfollow you on social media, not cause I'm being salty but I need space from you and seeing you on my timeline isn't going to help'

I wait about 5 minutes before he replies.

'yea I get it, do what you have to.
sorry again'

I lock my phone and get up, after washing my face and brushing my teeth I head to the kitchen and make pancakes, I make pancakes when I need cheering up.
I sit at the table staring out the window, it's raining as it usually does in Ireland. My phone buzzing snaps me out of my daydream. I roll my eyes seeing that the group chat I have with my 3 main friends is in full force discussing a party, I don't drink but I'm always up for a night out dancing. I reply saying I'll go and we all decide to get ready at Clara's house, I feel kinda crappy but not half as much as I did when Will and I originally broke up and mopping around wasn't going to help that.
After spending all day reading and watching YouTube videos I pack up my make up and change into my outfit. I call for Grace to hurry up as she's decided last minute that's she going to join us. I drive us over to Clara's and we begin to get ready, once we're all satisfied with our makeup we then sit in the living room chatting and playing some drinking games, my drink is a cup of coffee as usual. I didn't mind being designated driver, it meant I saved money and I was sure all my fiends had made it home safe at the end of the night.
I was going to tell them about Will but I don't wan to ruin the fun so I decide to tell them tomorrow when they aren't tipsy.
At around 10pm I drive us over to the party which is in a huge barn rather than in the guys house, which his parents probably appreciate. Once the girls get drinks we go straight to the dance floor and barely leave it all night except to talk to a few people. I spend most of my time keeping an eye out for Will but thankfully, he never shows. Around 1am people begin leaving, I look around and begin rounding up the girls like a mother hen, Clara and Grace are still with me dancing and Alice is talking to some girls, I wave at her to signal that we're leaving. As usual Lucy is no where to be seen, she's by far the most popular person in our group.
Eventually I find her with some guys arm slung over her shoulder, laughing and flirting. I call to her and she slides his arm off and says goodbye, the girls clumsily climb into the car and I turn on the ignition.
Just as I'm about to drive off I see Hayley leaving the party and getting into a car that's the same colour as Wills but it's too far away to know for sure if it's his, my heart sinks a little at the thought. We head to McDonald's for food before going home.

I wake up the next morning to an email from an airline 'Miss Matthews, just one month until your flight!'. Shit! I forgot about that.


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