Chapter Forty-Two

Start from the beginning

His jaw ticked a little. "Yes, actually. If you mind..." He took a step outside and I followed, feeling terrified and unsure. He was the Alpha male, the chief. I was just a simple human girl.

When I stepped outside, I shut the door behind me and asked, "What's the problem, Sir?"

Miles sighed for a moment, turning around and gazing up at the sky. "I never thought in a long time that the Wilson brothers would return. I had thought them dead, but it seems you have brought them back to life. You truly are a remarkable young girl."

I couldn't bring myself to smile, but I did say, "Thank you, Miles."

He turned around and smiled genuinely, approaching me. I immediately took a step back, but felt my back press up against the wall of Jean's house.

Miles chuckled. "You have no reason to fear me, Lyra. I understand that your first... introduction to our kind was far from friendly, but not all of us are wild dogs."

I wanted to speak up, but I bit back a retort and asked, "What did you want to tell me about the brothers?" "That they're lying to you," he said, his voice suddenly lowering. "I did not want to say anything, but I fear what they are doing is unspeakable."

I raised an eyebrow. "Unspeakable? What do you mean?"

"I mean to say that Xain and Connor are out with other women. That is why they left. That and I know what they're trying to do. They want to overthrow me."

I blinked before laughing a little. "Sir, I think you don't have to worry about that. Bonds are strong and I doubt they left just to sleep with other women."

He shook his head slightly and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I've heard of the boys' reputation. In fact, that very reputation caused you to become their mate." I merely shrugged and smiled at him.

"I worry not, Miles. They haven't grown bored of me just yet. And as for overthrowing?"

I giggled even more. "I don't think they're planning that either. You're an amazing leader who makes sure your pack has what they need to survive. You even let me in, and I'm nothing compared to your beautiful wives."

His smile almost disappeared.

I gently placed my hand over his, removing it from my shoulder and sliding away from him. "Worry not, Miles, I firmly believe my men will bring no harm to your title." I turned to walk back inside, but he gripped my dress, yanking me to him. I tensed up in his arms as he gave a deep chuckle. "I don't think it is I who needs to worry, my dear."

Shaken, I shoved myself off of him, staring at him in surprise when I knew damned well what he was playing at. "Sir?"

He approached me slowly, gripping my chin and tilting my head up. "You are a jewel," he muttered, pushing me up against a tree. "What have those boys ever done to deserve such a fine human girl as yourself?"

I gulped and stuttered out, "T-they bonded to me and t-treated m-me right."

He smirked, placing his free hand on my hip. "I do not trust those boys to be loyal to you. Why stay with them? They play with you like a toy, hurt you, and leave you in the dark. You're so sure that you fully trust them without stopping to think. You really are but a child."

His hand moved up my side, eyes capturing mine. "Children need to be taken care of properly. Why... don't you let me take the reins?"

I smiled as sweetly as possible, touching his hands and removing them from my body. "That is a kind gesture, but they aren't fathering me. They are my lovers and my men. And I hope that one day, we will marry and have offspring."

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