Old Friends

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Doug heads back downstairs and finds the two women ending a conversation as Doug appears. Doug says "talking about me again I see." Sasha says "oh shut up." Ana giggles and Doug simply shakes his head. Doug says "I'll be outside." The women nod and Doug walks out sitting on Ana's front porch waiting for Sasha to come out. Sasha sighs and folds her arms looking Ana in her green eyes. Ana says "I'll say to you want I told him you look like hell too." Sasha says "yes I know I do the lines on my face are deeper than ever and I haven't had time to get my hair done so naturally its turning gray. I already look like a Babushka." Ana says "no you're not quite there yet. You've both seen life's worst and worked hard after that still." Sasha says "don't exclude your self darling. You've faced your fair share too. Still I wish I had your skin. You look the youngest between Doug and myself." Ana shakes her head "no you don't either. I burn easy you tan." Ana nods to the couch so they both sit down on it and Ana asks "I'm curious, do you hear from any of your old childhood friends?" Sasha sighs and says "no, I haven't heard from them in many years. I have no idea if they're even alive, if they would still care for me or hate me and call me a traitor." Ana says "the war is over and has been for many years now." Sasha says "harsh feelings can last a lifetime. My grandfather hated Germans until a year before died." Ana asks "he changed?" Sasha says "he simply said he hated them no more. All the ones he had faced were probably dead." Ana nods "I see." Ana says "well I have some news for you." Sasha raises an eyebrow and says "what is it?" Ana says "a Russian woman contacted me by the name of Tonya. She claimed to be one of your childhood best friends." Sasha's eyes widen with surprise "oh my God Ana." Ana shows Sasha a picture of the woman and Sasha nods "I'd recognize that face and black hair anywhere." Sasha asks "is she here? Why didn't she just reach out to me directly?" Ana says "she didn't know how you'd react. I don't know how she found out we were friends." Sasha says "we parted ways when I was 17. She was a year older than me and went off to college." Ana says "odd even in this day and age you loose contact with people. Sasha says "well I sort of had to you know." Ana asks "do you want to see her?" Sasha says "I'd love to." Ana sends a quick text and the red sedan waiting by the road cranks up and drives down the dirt road to the houses. Doug spots the car and gets up walking down to meet it as it pulls up. Sasha and Ana look out the window as Doug approaches the car. The window rolls down and the black headed woman with brown eyes looks up at Doug. Doug asks "can I help you ma'am?" The woman half smiles "I'm an old friend of Sasha's. My name is Tonya." She gets out of her car and Doug says "well my name is Doug and I'm her husband." She shakes his hand and smirks "Sasha always loved cowboys I'm not surprised she married one." Doug chuckles a little "I'm the lucky one." Sasha opens Ana's front door and walks out stepping down off the porch and walks up to Tonya. Tonya extends her arms out and the two women embrace one another. Sasha holds her a moment and leans back speaking to her in Russian. "I haven't seen you in 30 years." Tonya grins "you are still the most beautiful woman ever." Sasha says "I look terrible." Tonya half smiles "relax." They let go of each other and Tonya points to the roots of her hair that are gray. Sasha looks at Doug "I see you met my husband." Tonya says "I wasn't surprised you went for a man like him." Sasha asks "how can you tell what kind of man he is?" Tonya smirks "the lines on his face and hollow look tells me he's been through hell and works hard everyday to provide for you." Sasha says "and our children." Tonya asks "how many?" Sasha smiles "three, a daughter who's the oldest and twin sons. What about you?" Tonya says "just one, a daughter. She's attending college now." Sasha asks "husband?" Tonya says "divoriced the scum bag. I caught him with another woman." Sasha says "you showed more restraint than I would have. I would have a murder charge." Ana interrupts them "ladies!" They both look at her as she holds up a bottle of red wine. Doug chuckles a bit and walks off back to his barn. Harry walks up to him and says "everything is sharpened." Doug nods "good job." Michael slides out from under the bush hog mower "and reattached." Doug smirks "I appreciate that." Michael stands up putting away the tools and Doug climbs up in the tractor starting it up. The diesel engine rumbles to life and a poof of black smoke comes out of the smoke stack of the Massy Ferguson. Michael directs him back and attaches the bush hog giving Doug the thumbs up and Doug pulls out and heads for his fields full throttle. Harry asks "what's over here?" Michael walks over and uncovers the old 8N Ford tractor and says "this is the original tractor he used. I remember him on this thing all the time as a kid growing up. He bought the larger Massy a few years ago. Enclosed cab is nice until the A/C goes out." Harry chuckles "hate when that happens." Michael says "that's what happens when you buy used equipment." Harry says "well you won't be seeing me for much longer. I'll be back at it pretty soon." Michael nods "I intend to enlist in the Marines my self. I won't have a padded loveseat and unlimited internet." Harry winks "don't eat too many crayons." Michael slaps Harry's back laughing and Harry says "already starting the shit talking I see." Michael smirks "and living with my sister I've become legendary at shit talking." A paper hornet hits Michael's neck stinging him. "Ouch!" Caroline's menacing laugh can be heard as she plays with the rubber band between her fingers. Michael looks at Harry "be glad she isn't your sister."

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