Passion Overdue

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The barn doors open again after awhile and Doug steps back into the barn where Sasha and Ana are still sitting next to each other. They end their conversation and Doug says "ah I interrupted your planning huh." Sasha smirks "no we were finished." Doug simply grunts and then he looks at the fire burning in the fireplace. "See why I built a fireplace in here?" Sasha sighs "yes yes Doug." Doug says "and you thought it was dumb." Sasha scoffs "I didn't say it was dumb! I simply asked if it was really nessciary!" Doug says "you still implied that it was dumb." Sasha rolls her eyes and Doug says "you know I'm right." Sasha says "shut up! God you are the most irritating man I've ever met in my life!" Doug grins and puts his arms out "yet you still married me!" Ana laughs and Sasha glares at her then breaks into a smile covering her face with her right hand. Ana stands up "I'll leave you two to do your thing." Doug holds the door open for her "until next time Dragon Lady." Ana makes a face "I'll be in your house for a while." Doug says "you may be gone by the time I come back. I always stick near the newborn calves to make sure they'll do alright." Ana says "suit your self, you know that's really not needed." Sasha says "don't try I've already said it before." Doug says "someone needs to watch the fire, I don't want to be building barn number four." Ana says "oh, right the fire." Sasha says "wait you mean you've let me argue with you about the cow in past years and it's been because of the fire?!" Doug smirks and Ana says "I'm out." He shuts the door and when he turns around he is met with a slap across the face. "Why do you do this to me?! Always getting me angry about shit!" Doug puts his hand out "Sasha." She swats his hand and he grabs her wrist. "Let me go!" Doug tightens his grip and leans into her. She leans back a bit and Doug says in his most commanding tone of voice "Sasha, take it easy." She sighs "fine. Now can I have my hand back?" Doug let's her go and she rubs her wrist a bit. She slowly walks over to the fire arms folded and Doug slowly walks over standing next to her. He hugs her side and kisses her head. Doug says "if you would let me explain things instead of cutting me off we wouldn't argue so much." He lets her go and sits on the bench he made near the fireplace. Sasha asks "then why do you let me win so much if you have the right answer?" Doug throws a piece of wood into the fire "because I don't want to fight you." Sasha asks "why don't you want to fight me? You realize it does and will happen." Doug sighs "because I don't want to hurt you, physically or emotionally. Whether it happens intentionally or accidentally." Sasha's face softens up and she unfolds her arms sitting down next to Doug. She takes his hand and he brings her hand to his lips kissing it. "How's your wrist?" Sasha says "a bit sore but I'll be fine." Doug says "I'm sorry." Sasha says "no, I am. I shouldn't have provoked you." He nods and she says "often times I'm angry because you won't stand up to me. You just fold and let me have my way." Doug sighs looking down at his boots. He says "honestly I'm tired of fighting. Fighting mother nature, people, wars, you, life in general. If that's wrong then I don't want to be right. That's why it's very rare I stand up to you." Sasha twists her lips then leans into him. "When you stop fighting, that's death." Doug looks at her funny and she grins. Doug says "since when do you quote John Wayne?" She giggles a bit "whatever it takes to get through to you." Doug smiles and she hugs on him. He hugs her side and they both stare at the fire. Sasha moves her feet closer to the fire and Doug asks "why are you only in a dress and I'm all bundled up?" Sasha says "because you are weak." Doug says "because I have common sense." Sasha asks "and I don't?" Doug says "I don't know do you?" She smirks "I'm used to this weather you should know that my darling. I lived through plenty of -40 Winters, this is nothing." Doug says "well you still have to keep warm." Sasha says "I did." Doug looks at her and she turns her head looking him in the eyes. Doug half smiles and she smiles back at him. Doug says "you know what I love about you the most?" Sasha says "my food?" Doug chuckles and she giggles. Doug says "besides that." She says "tell me." Doug says "your passion. When we danced on our first date I knew I held an extraordinarily passionate woman like none I had ever met before. A woman with a fire so hot..." Sasha twists her head "yes?" Doug looks in her blue eyes "that her flame was a solid blue flame." Sasha says "My God I could melt into your arms." Doug grins and she says "you've always had a way with words." Doug stands up and pulls her up "dance with me." Sasha says "as you wish my dear." The two of them dance and spin around on the barn floor to the curiosity of the horses, the cow and calf as they turn their heads with each passing the couple makes by their stalls. When they get close to being done he tops it off by leaning her over just like he did the first night they went out and plants a kiss on her lips. She with her arms around his neck pulls him in kissing him back even harder. They stand back up and she sighs then blows a bit of her blonde hair out of her face. Doug smirks and Duke the horse exhales loudly making noise. Doug says "what are you jealous son?" Sasha laughs "silly man." Sasha asks "Dougie?" Doug says "yes my love?" She puts her arms around his sides "tell me, how have we kept our passion alive after all this time?" Doug says "because we are blessed and we continue to choose to love one another everyday. No matter what's happened, what we've gone through, or put each other through. Nothing in this Universe will break our bond. Even after my death as I've told you before I will wait outside the gates of heaven for you." She hugs him ever so tightly burying her face in his chest sniffing. "Why am I crying?" Doug says "shhhh, it's ok." He rubs her back and she looks up seeing the tear fall from his right eye "oh, I guess I'm not the only one." He half smiles and kisses her gently. Sasha says "God bless you Doug. You truly are my soulmate." He half smiles "he lead me to you. For that I could never repay him." She half smiles "I'm proud of you, you finally shut me down when I needed to be for once." Doug half smiles "no promises on it happening all the time." Sasha half smiles rubbing his chest "Oh I know, you've always been laid back." She kisses him "but when you are truly right don't just give up when I blow up." Doug says "as you wish." Sasha says "as it should be." Doug nods "fair enough my lady." She lets him go "when that fire dies out, I'll be in our bedroom waiting for you." She smirks deviously and turns around walking out of the barn. Doug watches her until she gets inside the house. Doug looks at the fire, then the sleeping cows, then the snow on the ground. "Hmm."

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