An Interesting Turn of Events

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Sasha gets all bubbly walking around starting to give out orders to Doug telling him do this and that while she reads and she goes into the other room. Ana comes back and she looks at Doug. "everything alright?" He just makes a face putting on his black cowboy hat and walking past her out the door. Ana says to her self "he's scared of her." He heads into town and Sasha comes out. "Where did he go?! I wasn't finished with him!" Ana shrugs and says "he'll be back probably." She sets Katya in her crib and Sasha locks the door to lock Doug out. "well if hes gonna be like that then there's no need for him to come back for awhile." Ana just makes a face not letting Sasha see it. She goes into Katya's room rocking the baby and feeling her own twins tumble around in her stomach while Sasha cusses in Russian in the other room. Ana looks at Katya "I hope your father dosent keep letting her walk over him like he always does." Meanwhile Doug goes to the local western store buying new boots, a new brown Stetson cowboy hat and a few shirts for him self paying then leaving the store. He works on the farm for a while then he heads back mid afternoon. He gets up to the apartment seeing its locked. He knocks and Sasha seethes "don't bother coming in here!" Ana moves as far away from the door as possible with a hunch something is up. Doug kicks the door off the hinges to Sasha and Ana's surprise and he points at Sasha glaring as he struts towards her. She backs up going around the couch and he just steps over it coming down hard. "you are gonna tell me why you find any excuse to try and walk all over me!" Sasha says "because you deserve to be punished for your wrongdoings!" Doug says "oh really now? It's not because you always have to have it your way on top of being a sore loser unable to take a joke?" He continues going after her as she scrambles around the house trying to get away from him. Ana says to her self "she finally made him mad enough." Sasha says "Ana back me up!" Ana says "no leave me out of this one sister." Sasha grabs anything she can throwing it at him but he's still undeterred. She finally resorts to martial arts to take him out but to her shock he blocks each one of her moves. "Wha..what?!" Doug smirks "brother Alex taught me a thing or two." He grabs her up kicking and screaming hitting him while Ana has been recording them the whole time trying not to laugh. Doug pins her across his lap pulling his belt off. Sasha gasps and says "you wouldn't dare?!" Doug says "watch me." He spanks her with his belt several times he covers her mouth to muffle her screaming. "Let's see how you like being humiliated for a change!" Ana can't help her self but laugh now and she says "you two I swear!" He then stands up with her, turns around and tosses her onto the couch now her hairs a mess. She looks up at him seething and Doug folds his arms. "I suggest we drop the entire ordeal over the past night and day." She gives him one good smack across the face before sitting back down folding her arms and pouting. He turns to Ana "I'm going into town for a bit, need anything?" Ana thinks and says "you could get me some tums my stomach is bothering me." He nods and turns to Sasha who's staring down into her lap. "Sasha, need anything?" She shakes her head and he walks out. Sasha starts to laugh and she looks up at Ana who says "what's so funny?" She goes "oh I really pissed off that man for him to spank me." Ana folds her arms "now I know you know how to break a man's grip you let him spank you." Sasha smiles "I know." Ana says "you are a sick woman Sasha." She laughs and says "it's always fun to get tossed around. I don't have Alex to try and sneak up on anymore." Ana says "he nearly killed you a few times litteraly." Sasha says "I know thats what made messing with him so much fun." She settles in the couch "I should mess with Doug more." Ana says "I don't know about that he seemed genuinely pissed off." Sasha says "I'm surprised he actually took a stand against me he usually let's me walk over him." Ana says "nobody should walk over the other in any relationship, marriage especially." Sasha says "yeah." Ana says "I bet you this chocolate bar that Doug will come back and apologize for spanking you." Sasha smiles and says "I'll take that bet." Sasha then says "sure he made my ass sore but he would never truely harm me." Ana says "I'm sure he makes it sore in other ways too." Sasha tosses a pillow at Ana. "Hey now!" Ana shrugs "I'm just saying I've had to listen to you and him going at it many nights." Sasha smirks and says "I know. We haven't made any love lately though. God we've been so busy here lately with the farm, our baby and just so much other stuff." Ana says "you should make times for your selves." Sasha says "believe me I would love to but we always get interrupted." Ana nods feeling her stomach. "I think they're fighting with each other." Sasha giggles and she comes over to her feeling around. An elbow can be felt as Sasha feels around. Ana gasps "Good Lord! Hey! Stop it you two! Stop pretending to be your Aunt and Uncle fighting!" Sasha laughs hysterically as Ana holds her belly leaning back in the chair. "These kids are going to make me wanna throw up they keep pushing my stomach." Doug comes back awhile later and says "guess what ladies." Sasha says "what?" Doug pulls out a fat Ribeye steak from a grocery bag. "I'll be cooking tonight." Sasha puts her hand over her chest and gasps "you? Cooking?" She looks at Ana "is this a dream?" Ana says "no I'm seeing it too." Sasha comes into the kitchen "well at least let me season the stuff for you and I'll make some side dishes." Doug nods and holds up a pack of chicken "I got chicken if you don't want beef Ana." Ana says "ok thanks. Did you get my tums?" Doug says "yes ma'am." He tosses them to her "thank you Doug." He says "your welcome." Doug grills them steak and chicken while Sasha cooks some green beans throwing bits of bacon in with them and Doug's favorite biscuits. Ana says "I thought biscuits were more for pot roast or something." She takes them out of the oven "I just want you to see how Doug reacts." When Doug brings the meat in off the grill he sets the pan down and says "biscuits!" He rushes over grabbing one. Sasha goes "hey hey hey save those for dinner!" He shoves it in his mouth before Sasha can take it making Ana laugh and Sasha shake her head then smile. He swallows and leans down grabbing her and kissing her leaning her over in the kitchen. Ana makes kissy noises at them "awh look at you two all happy again." Sasha blushes a bit and Doug just smiles. Doug says "Sasha." She says "hm?" He says "I'm sorry I spanked you. I was livid at the time and not thinking." She hugs him "it's alright Dougie it's my fault you were livid in the first place." She lets him go then turns around playfully spanking him with a flyswatter. Doug says "hey!" She giggles "isn't payback a bitch?" Doug says "funny coming from you." She raises her eye brows and he just winks. "I still had the better prank you two nearly peed your selves. Ana you know it was Davila worthy." Ana smiles "he would say it was gold." Ana says "the beans are boiling over." Sasha turns to the stove. "Damn it!" She cusses in Russian while she cleans the mess making Doug laugh. She says "what?!" Doug says "easy darling." She says "why are you laughing at me?" He says "your entire body moves so different when you cuss in your native tounge." She rolls her eyes and he just smiles. Sasha says "ok dinners ready." They say grace and eat a nice meal in for once. Ana slips Sasha the chocolate bar and she eats it after dinner Doug going "you're still eating that babies candy." He shakes his head as the girls laugh. Sasha says "what are you gonna do spank me?" She giggles and Doug says "I'm beginning to think you liked it." Sasha says "no I'm still sore from it." Ana spits out her drink laughing making  Doug laugh and Sasha makes an embarrassed face. They keep laughing and Sasha smirks "alright Doug I could just tell Ana your kinks too." Doug says "I wouldn't do that." Ana gets up "I don't think I want to know everything you two are into. I'll be headed to bed now." Doug says "alright night Dragon Lady." She says "night you two crazies." She heads to bed and Doug sips his tea looking at Sasha who's looking back at him. They get up checking Katya who's asleep. They both smile looking at one another. Doug looks at the door still on the floor. "I should probably fix that." Sasha says "I'll help you." They put the door back and Sasha says "Dougie you made me proud today." He says "how so?" Sasha says "you stood up to me. I was beginning to think you didn't have it in you." He says "all I ask is you don't walk over me and I won't walk over you." She says "of course." She kisses him hard then grabs his hand pulling him along. "Come." She winks at him pulling him to their bed room.

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