Cheering Up Little Doug

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Little Doug heads upstairs to get cleaned up. Caroline bursts through the front door rushing up stairs. Doug says "well good afternoon to you too miss Caroline!" Caroline peeks downstairs smiling "hey Uncle Doug!" She rushes off again and Doug shakes his head "girl is nuts I tell you." Doug enters the kitchen and sits down at the table. He can smell something cooking so he decides to get up and peeks in the oven finding a meatloaf cooking. Sasha says "ahem!" Doug closes the oven door "I'm just peeking." She shoves him away from the oven and stove "go sit you always get in my way when I'm cooking." Doug chuckles then Sasha says "actually reach up there and grab that dish for me." Doug turns back around "as you wish my love." He reaches up top pulling it out of the cabinet and hands it to her. He kisses her cheek making her smile before going to sit down at the table. He props his feet up on another chair and sits there watching her. She says "stop staring at my ass you Buffon." Doug smirks "but I like it though." She giggles a bit and sighs "men I swear." Doug says "women, absolutely insane." Sasha says "if you don't shut up I'm gonna put dog food in your portion." Katya's dog just happens to run through the kitchen. Doug says "Mikey!" The bulldog looks and rushes over to Doug. "Nah I'll just feed it to him." Sasha looks and makes a face "Katya needs to take that thing and get it neutered he was humping my leg earlier." Doug laughs out loud and shakes his head. Doug asks "how'd you get him to stop?" Sasha says "flyswatter." Katya comes into the kitchen "come here puppy!" The bulldog sits down next to Doug while he pets him. Doug laughs "I think he's abandoned you sweetie." Katya whistles and the bulldog immediately rushes to her. She grabs him and the dog begins licking her all over her face. Doug says "I seen him licking his butt earlier." Katya let's her dog go and Doug says "well nevermind you've kissed on worse." Katya says "hey!" Sasha smirks and shakes her head. Doug says "its true you've kissed a pompous ass." Caroline sticks her head in the doorway "actually we have not kissed." Doug puts his head down on the table laughing. After Doug settles down he says "God I wish your father was here to see how much you act like him. I don't even know where you learned it either." Caroline half smiles and just shurgs. She then jabs Katya in her kidney making her yelp. "Ouch you bitch!" Caroline cackles evilily and runs off with Katya giving chase. Sasha yells "no running inside!" Doug smirks "kids huh." She sighs "I love them to death but God do they test my patience." Doug smirks "I hear that." They're quiet for a moment then Sasha says "something is off with my baby Doug. He seems so subdued more than usual." Doug sighs "one son got a yes, another was told no by a girl." Sasha turns "this same girl?" Doug shakes his head "no they went after two different ones." Sasha says "ah, I see." Sasha says "stupid little bitch." Doug chuckles "God you hate them whether they say yes or no to your baby boys." Sasha says "I love my children what do you expect? Somebody hurts their feelings yes I hate them. Somebody is gonna be a temptation I hate them too." Doug shakes his head "Oh Mother's." Little Doug enters the kitchen opening the fridge door to get a Coke. Sasha says "how was your day sweetheart?" Little Doug is silent and Sasha clears her throat "I'm not speaking to your Father, Douglas Alan Batson III (The Third) you answer me." Little Doug says "come on Mama you've already heard I overhead you and Dad talking." Big Doug smirks a bit hearing his son basically tell his Mother to cut the crap. Sasha sighs sympathetically. "I'm sorry baby." She walks over and grabs him in a hug. "It pains me to see my sweet boy moping around." Little Doug sighs mostly out of embarrassment but he knows she's being sincere. He hugs her back and after a moment she takes a step back still keeping her hands on his sides looking into his eyes. She grins and teases him "You can always live with Mama forever!" Big Doug grunts then says "no I'm kicking you out." Sasha says "wrong I will kick you out and keep him." Little Doug shakes his head "I appreciate the offer Mama but I do want to move on eventually." Sasha says "oh I know you will you'll eventually find some crazy girl and run off with her." Doug says "I just hope she doesn't have to pull you off your Mama's titty." Sasha says "shut up!" Doug says "you baby them more than you ever babied Katya." Sasha says "I don't have to baby her when you're spoiling her." Sasha pulls her son in and kisses his forehead. He squirms a bit and breaks free. Sasha says "aw you don't like my kisses?" Little Doug says "I'm a bit old for that." Sasha says "nonsense I'll still kiss your forehead even when you're 40." Doug raises his eyebrows and simply shakes his head. Sasha says "you nor Willie will ever find a wife that will outdo me in the kitchen anyway so you might as well enjoy your time here at home." Little Doug just half smiles and Sasha looks at him for a reply. Doug mouths to his son "as you wish." Little Doug says "as you wish Mama." Sasha smiles "good answer. Now help me out in here." Little Doug helps his mother prepare dinner while his father gets up and goes to sit on the porch. Caroline blasts past him out the door followed by a still angry Katya. Doug shakes his head and sits down in his rocking chair sticking the cigar in his mouth and lighting it up. After awhile Sasha sticks her head out the door "dinners ready." He puts out the cigar and gets up as Katya steps up on the porch. Caroline sticks her head out of her mother's car window and flips off Katya grinning. Katya returns the gesture with a frown. Doug asks "where they headed?" Katya says "I don't know, her grandfather wanted to take them out the dinner tonight." Doug just half smiles and puts his arm around her shoulders as they head inside. "Cheer up that's just her way of expressing love to you." Katya sighs "yes excruciating painful love." Doug chuckles and they head into the kitchen eating dinner. After dinner everyone piles into the living room except for Little Doug who sits on the porch swing listening to music. He looks up and sees his Aunt Ana's car turn onto the dirt driveway in the distance and watches it come all the way down and park. Michael assists his grandfather out of the car and Caroline bolts off into the night. Ana yells "Caroline! Where are you going?!" She yells "I'll be right back!" Ana says to her self sarcastically "yeah mhm sure." Caroline circles the Batson house and sneaks onto the porch climbing over the railing and quietly sets her self down behind her target. She puts her hands out bringing them around little Doug's head and slaps his ears making him jump then she covers his mouth before he yells. "Gotcha!" He sighs then she lets him go. He says "what do you want?" She sits next to him and swings the porch swing "I heard you asked out my friend Penny." Little Doug says "I'd rather not be humiliated again." Caroline says "be glad she's a real bitch anyway." Little Doug says "then why are you friends with her?" Caroline shrugs "I don't know it just happened." Caroline then adds "and being told no is not that humiliating. The only reason she wasn't so mean about it is because of me probably." He just shrugs and Caroline says "look, you had enough guts to take a chance, be proud of that. You miss all the shots you don't take." Little Doug asks "who are you and what did you do with the real Caroline?" She smiles a bit and says "not used to me being nice huh. I did just prank you dummy before I sat down did you forget?" Little Doug says "I guess I did." She ruffles his hair "well listen if you just want to talk I'll listen. I can be nice sometimes you know." Little Doug "says the queen of trickery." Caroline grins "I never said I wasn't mean." She gets up and says "one of these days some girl will be dumb enough and say yes, just give it time." Little Doug says "alright, well thanks." She half smiles "you're welcome. I'll be on my computer if you feel like gaming, might help you feel better." Little Doug says "alright I'll get on mine in a bit. I'll probably hang here for a bit longer" She nods "well do what you need to do." She turns around and walks back home.

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