Sasha Slips

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Breakfast is finished and Doug takes his sons outside putting them to work mostly around the house doing landscaping to keep the surrounding yards up to Sasha's satisfaction. He connects the bush hog to his tractor going out to mow the fields later returning to change implements. The boys approach Doug asking what they'll do for lunch. Doug says "hasn't your Mama been making y'all learn to cook?" They nod and Doug says "go make something then. Surprise me." They head into the kitchen looking through the fridge. Michael steps out from the office leaving his mother in there having heard them. "What are you two doing?" Little Doug says "Daddy told us to make lunch." Michael says "already ahead of you." They look and see a pot on the stove. Michael takes the lid off revealing red sauce with meatballs in it. The boys eyes get big and Michael says "smells good huh. Mama told me Dad made this for her." Willie asks "is this all we're eating?" Michael says "boy you are just asking for an ass kicking." Ana yells from the office "Michael Davila! Be nice!" Michael says "yes ma'am." Michael smirks "no we're just gonna make sandwiches or subs out of it whichever bread you want it's over here." He sets the bread out and says "you two can make the tea if you want. Sweet tea for all of us except Mama drinks unsweetened now and I think Aunt Sasha too. They should be back soon." They nod and right on cue Caroline announces her self. "Queen Caroline has returned!" Michael sighs "dear God she's upgraded from Madam to Queen now." Willie whispers to Michael "if you're gonna prank her sometime let me know. I want revenge." He nods and Caroline steps in the kitchen "ooo look at you peasants cooking for us!" She walks up to Michael "your Queen requires assistance." Michael says "very well then." Katya yells "Mikey! Come here please!" Michael heads outside and Katya all giddy hands him a bunch of shopping bags some groceries other things the girls wanted. Michael says "I had a hunch the doctors wouldn't be your only stop. How'd it go?" Katya says "just a bad bruise my darling I'll be fine." Michael grins "that's great to hear sweetie." Sasha snickers as she passes by "you two are so cute together." She turns back around "have you seen your Uncle?" Michael says "I've been inside the office today with Mama. He could be anywhere out here." They hear the rumbling of a diesel Massy Ferguson coming closer and Sasha smirks "that man is a hard worker but he definitely isn't skipping meals." Michael says "don't worry about lunch I took care of it." Katya says "since when do you cook?" Michael says "since always." Sasha half smiles "consider your self lucky Katya. Your father hardly ever makes any meals for me." Katya says "is that why you make all three of us learn?" Sasha nods "exactly." Doug walks up and says "I have made things for you!" Sasha folds her arms "since when!?" Doug says "grilling meat on the grill is cooking!" Sasha rolls her eyes and walks inside followed by Doug. Michael looks at Katya "do you think we'll end up like them?" Katya says "only time will tell sweetie." They head inside putting everything away. Doug comes back out of the kitchen and walks up to Michael "you know your father's red sauce recipe?" He nods "Mom gave it to me." Doug grins and pats his shoulder "good job son." Michael says "thank you sir." Katya smiles cheekily at Michael when her father turns around. She grabs him giving him a quick kiss before headed into the kitchen with everyone else having lunch. Michael looks at Katya "did you get me anything?" Caroline mocks him "did you get me anything?" She giggles "further proof Katya wears the pants since you're the stay at home wifey Mikey." Michael says "I am an aspiring Marine!" Ana says "quiet! Both of you! Shut up and eat your lunch!" Caroline giggles while Michael glares at her. She ends up dropping sauce on her shirt making Michael laugh. Doug smiles until he too drops sauce on his shirt. Sasha shakes her head "messy eaters." Doug says "we know good food." He looks at Caroline "don't we?" She smirks and nods. Sasha smiles as she gets up grabbing her plate and a few of the others who are finished. As she sets the plates in the sink and spins around she slips in a puddle of water that formed from someone dropping ice there causing her to twist her ankle and fall hitting her head on the floor knocking her out. Doug jumps up and rushes over to her "Sasha! Are you ok?!" Everyone else looks on in shock and Doug checks her pulse as well as feeling and hearing her breathe still. Doug says "sweetheart?" She still doesn't respond and he picks her up off the floor and carries her to the living room laying her out on the couch. Katya comes in there "should we take her to the hospital? She hit her head pretty hard." Sasha's eyes pop open and she says "hospital? No I do not need to go to the hospital!" Doug says "Easy easy baby." She settles and Doug says "thank God you've come to." He pulls up a chair and holds her hand. "Katya go get some ice for your Mama." She nods and leaves going to get ice. Sasha says "what happened? I was putting plates in the sink then bam my foot slipped." Doug says "you slipped and fell darling there was a puddle of water on the floor for some reason." Doug gently feels her head and says "left one hell of a knot on your hard head too." Sasha rolls her eyes and Doug smiles "hey I'm just glad you're awake and still you." Sasha sighs and Doug says "my God I'm a terrible father, what did the doctor say about Katya's hand?" Sasha smirks "no fractures or anything just a really bad bruise." Doug nods "well good." He rubs his thumbs on the top of her hand for Abit and Katya comes back with ice followed by everyone else. She places the ice under Sasha's head and Sasha says "thank you baby." Sasha then grimaces "dear God my ankle is throbbing with pain." Katya says "I'll get more ice for it too." Doug says "we should probably get you to a doctor your self darling you hit that floor hard I hope you don't have a concussion." Sasha looks at her son and says "Dougie do me a favor, take these old shoes off of me and throw them away." He nods and does as told as Katya comes back wrapping her Mother's ankle with a bag of ice. Ana says "Doug's right Sasha you hit that floor hard it scared all of us." Sasha sighs "fine then someone get me an appointment but do not take me to the emergency room." Doug nods and makes the call the soonest available being in a couple days. Sasha sighs again and Doug kisses her hand and head "sweetie it's ok it'll be alright. We just want to make sure you stay ok." She just makes a face that suggests she concedes and understands. Katya says "You're both hard headed you know that?" Katya's parents both glare at her until Ana says "honey I've said that for as long as I've known them." They both half smile then and Doug shrugs it off saying "takes one to know one huh." He winks at Ana and Katya making Sasha and everyone else smile. Michael walks up "what needs to be done outside?" Doug says "well I attached the raking implement to make rows for bailing if you want to go do that. He nods and heads outside jumping in the Massy and heads out in the fields.

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