Memories of Days Gone By

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The next morning Doug is awakened by Katya bouncing around in the bed. Sasha turns and sees him open his eyes and smirks "I'm shocked you're awake as hard as you sleep." Sasha grabs hold of Katya and holds her still smothering her with kisses. Katya smiles and says "Mama!" Sasha says "yes sweetie?" Katya says "I'm hungry." Doug says "so is Daddy what's for breakfast Mama?" Sasha says "whatever I decide to make." Doug says "good enough." They both get out of bed Sasha carrying Katya down stairs before setting her down "you're getting too big for me to hold all the time." They go in the kitchen and Sasha starts breakfast while Doug puts on a pot of coffee. Ana walks in letting her children loose and they crawl around the kitchen. Doug smirks and Ana says "what?" Doug says "you trust them babies to stay out of trouble and let them roam free?" Just then she sees Caroline pull on Sasha's night gown ripping it. Sasha gasps and Ana yells "Caroline!" The tear shows Sasha's panties and Doug says "nice ass." Sasha says "shut up!" She rushes up stairs to change into something else while Ana spanks Caroline making her cry. Ana then looks at Doug and her face turns red "you had to say something!" Doug grins and Sasha comes back down in a pair of jeans and an old shirt of Doug's. She walks over and slaps Doug upside the head "you always say dumb shit!" Doug says "no I simply asked a question." Sasha rolls her eyes and Ana says "God Sasha I'm so sorry." Sasha says "don't worry I blame Doug." Ana says "me too." Doug says "I can't help what that crazy kid does! Did you ever truely know her father?" Ana makes a face "well you see..." Doug says "the guy took a cat and threw it into a garbage truck one time." Ana says "Oh my God thats horrible!" Sasha bursts out laughing. Ana says "why did he do that?" Doug says "it scratched the hell out of him." Sasha says "I spray painted a cat red one time when I was little." Doug laughs and says "what?!" Ana looks at Sasha with her mouth dropped open. "Why?!" Sasha says "because I like red. Hence why I choose you for a best friend." Ana points her finger "don't try to woo me with complements animal abuser." Sasha laughs and Ana shakes her head. The trash can falls over spilling trash and Doug turns seeing Caroline crawling away. Sasha walks over to throw away something and cusses in Russian then says "who did this shit?!" She picks it up and cleans up the mess then goes back to the food taking it off the stove and tabling it. She finally sits down and Katya tugs on her shirt begging for her toast. "Why do you always bother me when I sit down?" Doug says "because she knows I don't share food." Sasha says "Daddy said he will share!" Doug makes a face at her and Katya rushes over to Doug. "Daddy! Feed me!" Doug makes her a plate and sits her in her high chair. Ana says "what other insane things did you do back in Russia as a kid?" Sasha nearly spits her coffee and says "you don't want to know." Ana says "do tell anyway." Sasha smirks looking at Doug then Ana. "Alright then, well one time a friend dared me to jump into the hole she cut in a frozen pond so I did. Then she slide the ice back over so I couldn't get out." Ana's eyes get big and says "she tried to murder you!" Sasha says "the longest minute of my life I thought I was gonna die." Doug shakes his head. Sasha says "she took the ice off and pulled me out afterwards while laughing and someone videoed it." Ana says "you mean this video?" Sasha makes a face "how did you find it so quickly?!" Doug gets up to watch the video and sure enough Sasha jumps into the frozen pond in just a bikini and her friend slides the ice over top. Doug says "God you were every bit as sexy then as you are now." Sasha says "I was 16 then." Ana says "I don't know how you didn't die doing that." Sasha says "I was fueled by Vodka." Doug says "of course." They watch a minute pass while the other two girls chatter then Sasha is pulled out of the pond. "Her name was Sofia and the one recording Tanya." Sasha says "after that we lit a bonfire using a combination of diesel and styrofoam to warm up." Doug makes a face "Alex told me one time that's what Napalm is basically." Sasha says "I know." Doug shakes his head "Lord knows you were crazy back in the day." She giggles and says "I still am to a degree." Doug says "crazy in bed." Ana says "Uh hello I'm right here." Doug laughs and Ana looks some more finding another video. "I'm too good at digging up peoples digital history." Sasha says "propane powered flame torches or as we called them flame throwers." This one Sasha and Tanya have torches shooting flames at one another the flames meeting in the middle. Tanya runs out of Propane and Sasha chases her with her flame thrower lugging the propane tank. Doug looses it laughing as Sasha trips in the snow. Doug says "were you trying to die?" Sasha says "you don't have to try in Russia it just happens." Another video shows Sasha skiing and her friend Tanya crashes into her both tumbling. Sasha looks at her arm and says "I still have that scar." Doug says "how come you never told me about all this?" Sasha says "I don't know I didn't want you to think I was stupid." Doug says "well Sasha we know you're special already I didn't think you were this special though." Sasha glares at him and he just smiles at her. Sasha smiles when another video plays "I remember recording this one my cousin Nikolai had a dirt bike." He rides down a hill using no hands. He yells something and Sasha says something back. Doug says "what did he say?" He said "this is dangerous but I am not a pussy like you!" Doug says "and you said?" Sasha says "I said I hope you break every bone in your dumbass self." Sure enough he crashes when the dirt bike hits a root hidden by snow throwing Nikolai off. Sasha laughs hysterically in the video and in the kitchen. Ana looses it when Sasha walks over and flips off her bloody nosed cousin before kicking snow in his face. Sasha says "I also put him in the dryer and turned it on when I was little." Doug laughs and says "no wonder you and Alex got along so well he did stuff like that to his siblings." Sasha gets up and heads up stairs hearing one of the boys crying. Ana makes a face and turns her phone to a video with Sasha kissing a young teenaged boy. Doug says "that's Dimitri." Ana says "what happened to him?" Doug says "she didn't tell you?" Ana shakes her head and Doug says "he went into the Russian Army and was killed." Ana says "Oh God no." Doug nods and Ana says "I guess she knows what I'm dealing with then." Doug says "yup. I didn't get the privilege to be her first love but I'll be her last." Ana nods and Doug says "she's had a rough life overall." Ana says "yeah I've only heard a few of her stories." The crying stops and Ana says "treasure her Doug. Sure she's a bit nuts but that's why we love her." Doug says "Amen to that." Ana says "I should dig up your digital history." Doug says "I'll give you $20 not to in a one time deal." Ana smirks "make it $50." Doug sighs "fine." They shake hands and he gives her the $50 bill.

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