Just Another Day In Paradise

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New Year's Eve finally comes around but the farm is already back to it's regular operations as Doug and the family work the farm. Once he finishes grading the driveway he parks the tractor in the barn and saddles Duke hopping on the black stallion and rides out into the fields checking fence lines. Meanwhile Sasha who's been sneezing most of the day goes to the fridge only to find just a small amount of orange juice left in the jug. She takes it and stares at it. "Really Doug? Really? You couldn't just finish it off." She flings the jug in the sink then she sighs. She turns around and drinks what little is left in the jug tossing it aside. Katya who enters the house shivering yells "Mama have you seen my jacket?" Sasha looks outside and sees it hanging on the chicken coop. "Is that it on the chicken coop?" Katya then suddenly remembers and says "yes! Thanks Mama!" Katya rushes outside to grab it then rushes back inside. Sasha sneezes again and Katya asks "are you getting sick?" Sasha sighs "I guess so damn it." Katya looks through the cabnit and finds some cold medicine. She pours out a dose and she says "Mama." Sasha shuts the sink cabinets holding a spray bottle of bleach and she says "oh." She looks up "aw you're so sweet." She takes the medicine and Katya says "I owe you, that's what you did for me when I was little." Sasha half smiles "I'd still do it for you today my darling." Katya asks "want me to do that?" Sasha says "no no I know where I've sneezed and coughed. If you want you can go organize the office for me I left some stuff out." Katya says "sure thing." She goes into the office and Sasha coughs as she sprays down the kitchen then goes through the bathrooms disinfecting them. Little Doug and Willie end up in a fist fight on the front porch when Willie decides to trip his brother on purpose. Sasha hearing the commotion storms downstairs and flings the front door open. She yells at them in Russian to stop but they keep on. She tries to break them up but they insist on fighting each other and ignoring her. She finally resorts to grabbing both of them by their hair which stops them and she yells at them in Russian saying "you're supposed to be helping your Father not killing each other! What is this over anyway?!" Little Doug says "he tripped me!" Sasha cuts her eyes at Willie "and why did you do that?!" Willie says "because he deserved it for stealing my games!" Sasha drags them both by the ear to the kitchen and spanks them with the flyswatter. Katya peeks in the kitchen and then goes back to the office giggling to her self. Sasha sends them back outside with orders to finish their chores. Doug rides back up on his horse putting Duke away. He looks at his sons both looking angry and not speaking. Doug asks "what's wrong with y'all?" Willie says "Mama spanked us." Doug asks "what'd y'all do now?" Willie says "we fought." Willie turns revealing a black eye and Doug shakes his head. He looks at Little Doug who has one as well. Doug sighs "you boys need to stop pulling stunts on each other and pissing each other off over stupid things. I'm not even gonna ask what it was about because its something idiotic I'm sure. Neither of you will ever get ahead trying to destroy the other one. There are things to be done on this farm and it's not getting done with you two messing around! So man up and get to it! Am I clear?" They both nod and he yells "I can't hear you!" They both yell back "yes sir!" He turns around and struts out of the barn almost marching towards the house. Katya looks outside and says "uh oh." Sasha says "what is it sweetie?" Katya says "Daddy's angry." Sasha looks and sees him walking and the look on his face "I'm sure he is rightfully so." Doug enters and slams the door shut walking into the kitchen to get a drink of water. "If those sons of mine keep up I'm gonna end up cussing them out and I damn sure don't want to resort to that." Sasha says "well I broke it up." He drinks his water and leans against the counter tapping his fingers on the counter thinking. Sasha looks at him curiously. Doug looks at her and she half smiles then suddenly sneezes. Doug asks "you getting sick?" Sasha coughs and sneezes again. "Yes" she answers. Doug asks "you have any extra boxes lying around?" Sasha says "in the office." Doug goes in the office grabbing the box and he heads upstairs. Sasha and Katya look at one another and Sasha says "go see what he's doing." She nods and Katya follows him upstairs into the boys room where he begins clearing the room of their gadgets and gaming systems. He boxes up all their games, their PlayStation, and he crouches to pull the power supplies for their computers but he gets a cramp suddenly. Doug hits the floor with his fist "damn it damn it damn it!" Katya crawls underneath and pulls the power cords for their computers and boxes them up. Doug smirks as she helps him back up. "You must be enjoying this." Katya says "they deserve it." Doug sighs "not only fighting but their sick Mother had to stop it." Sasha peeks in there "oh wow." Doug says "this will teach them." She nods "I approve. What do you want for lunch?" Doug says "no I'm not making you fix lunch you're sick and need to rest. You tell me what you want." Sasha says "any kind of chicken soup." She clears her throat and heads back downstairs. Doug says "and to make it worse for them I grant you permission to hide this." Katya says "I know nothing! Nothing!" Doug laughs "Ok Seargent Shultz. I'll hide the box." Doug walks next door and knocks on the door. Caroline answers and she asks "what's that?" Doug says "the boys gadgets and games I took away. I'm hiding this stuff here if it's alright with your Mama." Caroline yells "Mom! Can Uncle Doug hide some stuff here? He's punishing the twins!" Ana yells back "sure go ahead!" Caroline takes the box with a wicked smile. Doug says "I'll let you hide it but I want to see where you put it." She smiles "I'll need you to open the attic for me." He says "very well then." He follows her upstairs and pulls down the opening and ladder following her up there with it. She sets it down "it'll be here when you want it back. I promise I won't mess with it." Doug says "oh by all means mess with it and enjoy their games just don't mess anything up." She almost shrieks with excitement but holds back and hugs him instead "thank you!" Doug laughs "your welcome." He half hugs her back then they head back down. Caroline says "Michael is pretty good with the tractor huh." Doug says "yeah he is I'll give him that." Ana yells from the kitchen "Doug come here a minute will you?" Doug raises an eyebrow "what's she want?" Caroline shrugs "she's been in the kitchen all morning." Doug walks in there and smells soup. Ana says "I made chicken noodle soup for Sasha but I always end up making a huge pot." Doug says "well we can eat off that once or twice anyway with everyone here. I was gonna go to town and get something but I see you beat me to it." Ana says "I knew about it before anyone else did when I talked to her early this morning." Doug sighs "she's definitely run her self into the ground and it's my fault." Ana says "she works hard because she loves you and all of us. Otherwise she wouldn't be here." Doug says "that's true." Ana says "and besides getting sick just happens." Doug says "yup. I'll be next probably we always pass crap between each other." Ana places the lid on the pot turning the stove off. "I'll let you carry this over." Doug says "whatever you say Dragon Lady." Caroline asks "why do you call her that?" Doug says "I've been calling her that long before you were even born. Besides it's better than just calling her Red." Caroline smirks "you have a name for me?" Doug says "yes Troublemaker." Caroline says "pfft what an understatement." Michael walks in and Caroline says "you should kill your self God you're ugly! What does Katya see in you?" Doug says "I sure don't know." Ana says "both of you hush!" Michael completely ignores them both and hugs his Mother. He flips off Caroline with his one hand behind his back making Caroline eye roll and Doug grins shaking his head.

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