Dragon Lady's Revenge

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Sasha lets Doug go and smirks "you do realize this isn't over." Doug just smiles and they go back to their room gathering everything up and loading the SUV. Ana throws her things in there and they load up heading to the apartment where Doug packs everything they brought down into his truck and trailer having went and grabbed it to haul to their houses. They spend the day unloading and filling up their houses with everything. That afternoon Sasha smiles and hugs Doug's side. Doug says "welcome home." Sasha sighs and says "finally we can lead a quiet life." Doug says "yeah." Sasha says "I'm gonna start dinner. Come help me." He nods and follows her into the kitchen simply acting as an assistant handing her ingredients to make Beef Stroganoff. Ana rings their doorbell and Doug answers it seeing she's holding chicken and yellow rice in one arm and pushing a twin baby stroller with the other. Doug takes the rice off of her letting her in and they head into the kitchen. Sasha says "hello pretty sister." Ana says "smells good in here." Sasha smiles and turns around winking at Ana who winks back. Doug walks outback and Ana says "is the pie ready?" Sasha opens the fridge"it's been ready." Ana laughs  and Sasha says "Doug hates chocolate that's why I got it." Ana smirks "we will teach him about pissing the both of us off at the same time." Sasha says "keep watch for me." Ana nods while Sasha sets a trip wire to trip Doug so she'll be able to get ahold of him. Ana says "here he comes." Sasha rushes back to the stove and Doug walks in "I just killed a rattlesnake..." He trips on the wire not paying attention and Sasha rushes over tying him up. Doug says "Sasha what the hell are you doing?" Ana laughs and gets up walking over to the fridge and getting the chocolate pie. She walks over and sits down next to him on the floor. She smells it "mmm don't you love the smell of chocolate?" Doug says "hell no." She puts it under his nose and says "eat it!" She smashes it in his face and Sasha flicks chocolate ice cream at him aiming for his forehead. Ana gets up but can barley stand due to her hysterical laughter which only gets worse as she keeps looking at Doug covered with chocolate. His face looking like he's simply given up at life. Ana says "piss us both off again and we will come up with something even better." Sasha makes paper hornets and flicks them at Doug with a rubber band. Doug says "damn what are you in middle school?!" Ana flicks one at him and says "keep talking you're digging your self deeper and deeper." Ana walks over dumping chocolate frosting on his head and Sasha says "I hate to waste so much chocolate though...." Ana says "you could just eat it off of him." Sasha says "what a wonderful idea I think I will." Sasha sits next to him with a spoon getting some of the stuff off of him and eating it. Every now and then she'll lick him just to make Ana laugh. "you're so weird Sasha!" Sasha takes her fingers wiping off some chocolate them shoves them in Doug's mouth "dosen't it taste good?" Doug just glares at her and doesn't say anything. Ana says "hm I think he learned to shut up." Sasha says "nah." She gets up fixing her self and Ana some food and they eat leaving Doug to sit there awhile longer. After the finish Sasha walks over with a knife flipping it around. "Oh the things I can do with a knife." Ana just watches and Sasha grins at Doug. He just stares at her then she says "alright I'm going to let you go." She cuts the rope then shoves him out of the kitchen "go get a shower you're a mess!" Ana laughs and Doug wipes off some of the stuff with paper towels. He goes to his shower only to find chocolate syrup mixed with his shampoo. He shakes his head washing up and changing clothes. He walks back down to the kitchen finding a plate set out for him Sasha and Ana watching TV in the living room. Doug grabs Sasha's Vodka pouring him self some and downing it. Sasha walks in and says "a huh I knew you were getting into my vodka." Doug jumps but then smirks "only fair since you get into my whiskey." She smiles and comes over smelling him. "Mm chocolatey." Doug says "yes you two definitely got me." Sasha giggles and kisses his cheek. "Don't worry I still love you." Doug says "love you too." Sasha walks out then Doug walks into the living room plopping down in his recliner. Ana says "not gonna talk to me now?" Doug says "I'm tired." Ana says "whatever you say." Doug raises his eyebrows and she giggles. "What I'm filling in for Alex." Doug smirks "if Alex was here you two wouldn't have been able to pull that off on me and we would have come up with something else. But since I wasn't blessed with what I will call creativity I'm an easy target." Ana says "yeah you are pretty gullible sometimes." Doug says "oh well." Ana says "It's alright somebody has to be on the receiving end of the prank." Doug smiles "I can't wait for the days when you're the one being pranked by your children one is bound to turn out like their father." He gives her a wink and Ana looks at her babies "we shall see." Sasha smiles "they're so precious." Ana holds up the remote and tosses it to Doug. He catches it and Ana says "it's your house." Doug says "gonna be nice to me now huh?" She smiles and Sasha says "well Doug I want to ask you something." Doug says "go ahead." Sasha says "Ana needs a job and I figure she'll be a great help." Doug says "I thought we already discussed it and said she was hired? Before we even left D.C." Ana says "oh that's right you were asleep Sasha. Doug says "yeah it was just Ana and I talking." Sasha says "If I had known that I would have put her on the payroll already." Doug says "put her on our payroll then." Ana says "even after what we did to you you're gonna hire me?" Doug says "probably not the best thing to do to your bossman but you're family. Alex was my brother in spirit so that makes you my sister in-law in spirit." Ana and Sasha laugh and Doug just smiles "welcome aboard Dragon Lady you're boss lady's personal assistant, or equal or whatever you wanna call it." Ana says "she's boss lady huh." Doug says "well yeah she writes the checks. She gets angry when I write one because my handwriting is bad." Sasha says "it's terrible and I can't read it half the time!" Doug just half smiles and Ana too. Sasha hugs Ana "yay!" Ana says "thanks you two I really appreciate it." Doug says "my grandfather was very adamant about one thing and that was taking care of family." Ana and Sasha half smile. Ana gets up and says "well I think I'll head home. Night you two." Doug says "good night Ana." Sasha says "I'll walk you home." Sasha sets Katya with Doug then walks with Ana and her babies next door. Sasha comes back after thirty minutes and Doug says "I was beginning to wonder." Sasha says "we were talking." She sits on the couch across from Doug. "she started crying again." Doug says "She's broken hearted for sure." Sasha sighs "I don't know what else to do for her honestly I'm doing whatever I can." Doug says "we'll keep her busy that's the best we can do." Sasha nods then says "I'll be back." She leaves for a bit then Doug hears her gasp in the bathroom. Doug says "you alright?" She rushes out holding a pregnancy test and shows Doug it's positive. Doug grins and says "well another Batson baby is on the way!" Sasha hugs him tight and they kiss. Doug then kisses Katya on the head while Sasha happily calls Ana telling her the news.

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