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They stay overnight in the hospital with Katya then the next morning Doug and Ana head back to the farm Sasha staying behind to stay with Katya, the doctor having decided to keep her a couple more days. Ana drops Doug off and leaves his truck for him getting in her car and driving back to the hospital to be with Sasha. Doug walks over to the Ghosts having shown up to continue work on the barn. Doug glances behind him as their two houses are starting to take shape the construction company Sasha and him hired staying on Schedule. Doug walks up to Travis patting his shoulder. "Y'all need any supplies?" Travis hands him a list wrote up by Jack and he nods hooking up the trailer to his truck and heading to the hardware store loading Henry down with supplies the blue Ford truck squatting in the back due to the load. He rolls back into the farm unloading it all and helping the men continue construction on his barn. Mike says "damn Doug maybe you should get a F-250 or something bigger." Doug smiles "oh hell that truck will do just fine. My wife might kill me if I go out and buy a new truck now with all the money we're spending now." Mike laughs and says "well in that case keep mother Russia happy and run that blue Ford ragged." Doug smiles and they continue working the next few days. Doug calls Sasha periodically checking on Katya. They get most of the barn finished now just working out minor details including shelves, stalls for animals, a work area to work on equipment and storage. As the sun starts setting Sasha and Ana pull up and come over to see their progress. Doug climbs down off the roof and walks over to Sasha cradling the seven month old baby. "How is she?" Sasha smiles "she's ok now." Doug smiles "I'm glad to hear that." He kisses Sasha then looks at Ana. "Well Dragon Lady whatcha think?" Ana says "you should have had your men build our houses they're much faster than the company y'all hired." Doug says "well Ana a barn is much simpler than a house and I don't have the knowledge for homebuilding and neither do my boys. But a barn is easy to figure out. Besides I'd rather you women yell at the construction company and not us if something isn't right." All of a sudden they hear a buzzing noise and Mike yells "shit!" He storms out cussing like a mad man while the others are falling over laughing at him. Doug says "what the hell did you do?" Mike says "I fucking shocked my self! God damn that shit isnt funny you assholes!" The others continue laughing calling him Mike the shocker. Doug turns back to the women "he's a Marine he's fine." Ana laughs and says "you sound like your talking about Alex." Doug says "he would say it. I'm a Marine I'm fine." Ana says "yeah I remember." Doug gets down on one knee in front of Ana's belly "y'all best get ready to meet your Uncle Doug and Aunt Sasha!" As the day finishes the ghosts gather them selves and James turns to Doug "we're hitting a local bar you in?" Doug says "I'll take a raincheck on that James. Thanks for the offer." He nods and they head off for the evening. Sasha says "why don't you go with them?" Doug says "because I want to be with you." She smiles and says "oh alright if that's what you want. Take us to dinner now." Doug says "as you wish my love." She gets in the truck with him and Ana follow them into Savannah stopping by the apartment to get cleaned up then all three pile in his truck hitting another local restaurant. Sasha gets her another glass of red wine and Doug orders a blue moon. Ana says "you two are alcoholics." Doug smirks "nah we just like a good drink." Sasha just smiles and says "oh Ana you'll be sipping red wine as soon as you pop them babies out." Doug and Ana laugh and Sasha says "what? It's true we used to see who could out drink the other!" Ana says "don't tell him that!" Doug smirks "who won?" Ana says "she has an insane tolerance for Alcohol she drinks as much as a man and dosent get phased." Doug says "what do you expect she's Russian." Sasha says "that's racist how dare you, you damn cracker of a man." Doug makes a face "last I checked Russian isn't a race its a nationality." Ana laughs and says "he got you." Doug says "it's fine I can still out drink her." Sasha raises her eyebrow at says "oh really who passed out first when we hit that bottle of vodka for the first time for you." Doug says "I was tired." Sasha says "yeah all sprawled out in the floor I dragged you to bed." Ana can't contain her laughter and says "my God it's a wonder that baby wasn't born drunk!" Doug and Sasha laugh and Sasha says "I can't quit when I want to." Doug says "same." Ana says "I will say again. ALCOHOLICS!"Doug and Sasha laugh and Doug says "well we thank you for being our driver." Ana says "you're welcome." Their food comes out Doug smiling at his double bacon cheeseburger, Sasha with a steak and Ana a fried chicken salad. Sasha steals a french fry from Doug and he glares at her. She just smiles giggling. She grabs a hand full splitting some with Ana. Doug says "stop stealing my food woman." Sasha says "make me." Doug takes his knife cutting off some of her steak and devouring it. "Hey!" Doug says "hay is for horses grass is cheaper." Sasha smacks him with her purse. Ana says "seriously you two act like children we're in a restaurant!" Doug says "tell her stop stealing my food." Ana says "Sasha stop stealing Doug's food." She sighs and says "fine. I'm sorry Dougie." Doug says "it's fine." Ana says "I'm gonna laugh if you still call him that when your in your 40s." Sasha smiles and says "we will see if I haven't killed him by then." Doug smiles "I bought a new truck for the farm." Sasha's eyes get big with rage and she says "you did what now?!" Doug says "I'm joking." She rolls her eyes then punches his chest "you're just asking for it!" Doug says "you can't hurt me." She picks up a steak knife "unzip your pants and i will." Doug says "I'm not stupid." Ana says "could we just have a normal conversation for once?" Sasha says "never! You know you love our silly selves." She laughs and they finish their meal headed back to the apartment. Ana says "ok lovebirds goodnight. Don't get too rowdy." Doug says "I can tape her mouth shut you won't hear a thing." Sasha pops him and Ana shakes her head going into her room. Sasha gets up putting Katya to bed and Doug walks out on the balcony swirling Jack in a glass. He sits down watching the cars moving through the old city. Sasha comes out there holding some vodka. "Nice and cool tonight huh Doug." She sits in his lap laying back into his chest sprawling out her legs. He kisses her head and Doug says "yeah it's nice out." He puts his arms around her putting his head on her shoulders. Sasha says "do you think we will still be lovey dovey like this in 10 or 15 years?" Doug says "oh sure, just not as much as we are now. I'll get old orny and mean. You'll get irritated with me more often probably. Ana will listen to us arguing over something from her house and shake her head then laugh when I run out the house with you chasing me with the cast iron skillet in your hand." Sasha giggles and says "you make me sound like I want to kill you." Doug smirks and says "all I'm saying is this life isn't gonna be all sugar and roses just because I'm home for good. There's gonna be some good times and bad times to go along with it. Farm life isn't always the sunny days in the fields." Sasha says "oh I know that." Doug says "but I just want you to know that no matter what happens good or bad, I'll love you still." Sasha half smiles and says "and I'll always love you too." She puts her hand on his cheek kissing him. She lays back into him and says "I wonder what it feels like to be carrying twins like Ana." Doug says "never know you may have some one day." Sasha looks at him "it isn't uncommon in my family. My Mother and Aunt are twins." Sasha pulls out her mother's picture. "Oh I wish she could have held Katya." Doug says "hows your family doing?" She says "they're good. I invited them down when our house is finished." Doug says "oh alright." Doug says "funny how a face can last three generations in a row. Her, you, now Katya." Sasha smiles "yeah. She was a hard woman." Doug says "you think you'll turn into her?" Sasha shrugs "I don't know maybe in some ways." She puts the picture away. Sasha looks at her red finger nails then at Doug. "You should repaint my nails for me." Doug shakes his head and she says "why not? Are you going to tell Katya no if she asks you?" Doug says "I'll send her to you or take her to Auntie Ana. I don't do make up you know that. It would look terrible anyway." She laughs and says "alright I'll do it my self then." She gets up and Doug says "bring me some sweet tea if you don't mind." She looks at him "you left off one word." Doug says "please?" She smiles "certainly my dear."

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